Saturday, May 30, 2020

Today was a little chilly but still sunny and nice so Daddy and Mama took us to the creek to explore and play!




The water was quite chilly but we had so much fun playing and getting wet. It was worth being a little cold!





Then we got dried off and relaxed on the blanket, playing games and with toys and reading books. It was so nice to just chill!



When we got home we played a little Uno and then...


It was time for S'mores! Perfect night for it and boy were they tasty!





Friday, May 29, 2020

This morning Mama put a dry rub on our ribs for dinner. The house smells good already...


Then Daddy sealed the deck and I got to help him! He said we've got to learn so we can do it as we get older!



And I did some Lego's on the front porch. It was a beautiful day and a perfect day to do some lego's outside.


And some snacks outside. This is the life!


And I successfully made a lego monster truck and car. It's SO COOL!


It was a great day to chill on the porch with my bro's.


Then we walked over to the Coll's where we played some badminton and jumped on the trampoline! On the way home we saw this super cool car coming down the street.



Then we came home and made dinner and WOW were these ribs delicious!


The mashed potatoes and asparagus was pretty tasty too! YUM YUM!



Thursday, May 28, 2020

Today Mama took pictures of these flowers who's petals have since fallen off. She said they look like Covid plants!!




I had lots of online meetings this week. It's fun seeing my classmates, even if its not in person. I sure to miss them!


For lunch Daddy used the leftover tuna for salads for he and Mama. Boy did they look amazing. And they said they tasted amazing too!


Later we got word and saw pictures of this crazy accident that happened right around the corner from our house!


And then we found out that it was Mrs. Collins, Mama's friend, driving that car!! Thank god none of her kids, our friends, were with her. And thank god she was fine and needed no medical attention! That is one scary looking accident!



Later I got to play bingo with my class. Mrs. Filburn set it up. And I won a make your own water bottle kit. It was so much fun. I hope we keep doing this!



And for dinner we had a dinner pallooza! Yay!


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Today we got to make cookies. Mama let us all take 2 rows and add any toppings that we liked.


I put marshmallows on mine, Jax did mini chocolate chips and some marshmallows and Kai did M&M's. They all turned out SO yummy and moist. 


For dinner we had seared ahi tuna and some other Asian sides. It was all so delicious! We sure are eating well during this pandemic!




Later we all took turns reading books to each other. It was great and Jax sure is becoming a really good reading. We're all super proud of him!


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Today I had my class meeting out on the porch. It was a nice, mild morning and it was a great spot to work!


And I got to have my reading group on the porch too! 


Then Mama went to Founding Farmers to pick up our produce order. Everything looked so great. And we know it's going to taste amazing too!



For lunch Daddy made us all his world famous nachos! They were so tasty!



And we are excited for the newest set of baby birds to take flight so we can finally block the spots that they keep making nests on our front porch. Time for these birds to vacate our porch air bnb!


For dinner we had garlic and parmesan pasta and Mama's friend made us some home made buttery biscuits! And boy were those biscuits GOOD! Mama said they were so good that she doesn't want the recipe because they're too hard to make, but boy do they taste good! We told Miss Angela that she can make them for us any time she wants!

