Sunday, January 31, 2021

 Well, we woke up to a chilly, snowy Sunday morning! It just kept snowing and snowing and that made us super happy!

Untitled Untitled

I got to help Mama make pancakes for breakfast. We even got some of them to look like baby yoda pancakes!!




Then, when we felt like it had snowed enough Daddy walked us up to the Coll's house where us and the Coll's and the Hiribiyashi boys and Michael J all did some sledding down their street. The parents stood at both ends of the street to make sure no cars came through but thankfully none did!






It wasn't a ton of snow but it sure was slippery and fun! We had a blast rolling down the hill!






We were very disappointed to see this guy rolling down our street! We were hoping for no school tomorrow but it's stopped snowing so we might be out of luck!


For dinner we got to enjoy the pre-order from Nick's Fish house that we got. It sure was yummy!



Our house sure looked pretty in the snow with our Valentine's / Winter lights still up!


Saturday, January 30, 2021

This morning we got a nice visit with MeMa and PopPop! It feels like we haven't seen them in so long so it was nice to see them and hang out for a little while! 







Later we had dinner from El Agula in Colesville. Everything was SO delicious! We were pleasantly surprised and we can't wait to get to eat there in person one day soon!



After dinner we had game night and got to play some Rumicube! It was so much fun learning a new game and having fun.


It was a little hard to get the hang of it but once Daddy and Mama explained the rules and helped us out a little bit I think we all got a handle on it! We can't wait to practice and play more!



Friday, January 29, 2021

Today during school I noticed that my upper body and Anthony's lower body combined on zoom to look like one body and it was HILARIOUS and I made Mama take pictures of it!  



Then Mama got to cocoa bomb making. Here are the innards of a unicorn bomb. But she got unicorns and snowmen made today and they are so cute!




Then I ran around like a fool with my pusheen in my hoodie like my head. Mama said I'm a nut!



For dinner Daddy and Mama made us an amazing salad with lots of fresh veggies and some delicious swordfish on top. It was another top notch dinner!



Wednesday, January 27, 2021

 Today I did a little jumping on the mini trampoline...WITH my light up race track...


Then Mama worked on her St. B's "bee" bombs for the school fund raiser! We think they look great. The bee's are so cute!


And for dinner we partook in the $5 gyro day at The Big Greek Cafe. YUM!



Everything was delicious!!! Thanks Daddy and Mama for a fun, yummy dinner!


Then Mama worked on getting her St. B's Valentine bomb orders ready. They look so nice and festive!


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Today was a SNOW DAY! Hooray for snow days even when you're learning virtually! 


Later in the day we took a cold, snowy walk with our buddy Liam. We went to visit Albert but he was too sore to come walk with us because he did our extra credit homework, which was lifting a gallon of water 300 times! We did it too but we weren't as sore I guess...



While we were out Mama got to her bomb making!


And later I got to my racetrack making! I made a big track all over the upstairs!





And Mama got some Valentine's bombs made! They looked great!


For dinner we had the perfect snowy, cold day meal! We had beef tips with mushrooms and mashed potatoes. They were delicious!



It was a great snow day and a great day playing with our toys!


