Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today was a beautiful day outside. In the morning Mommy packed us up and we went to our friend Leighton's house. When we got there we all went for a walk to the park to meet lots of other Mommy's and friends. We played all around the park and we even had a picnic. I got to share all my fruit and snacks with the kids. Then we walked back to Leighton's house where we got to play with all of his toys. Then we had lunch together. Even Finn got to eat his lunch at Miss Lauren's house. Then we came home and took nice long naps for Mama. She wore us out today!


When Daddy came home Kai and I took a bath together and we had so much fun! I have a feeling we're going to get in a lot of trouble together...


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This morning Mommy, Kai and I met Grandma at Homestead Gardens so we could buy flowers for our porch. They have lots and lots of flowers there! They had a pond fountain in there that Kai really had fun playing with. I think he takes after our Pop Pop playing in ponds...He was putting fish and turtles in it and even rearranging the plants. I can't wait to be able to get out of the cart so I can help him.

We got to play at Homestead Gardens this morning. Then we went to Grandma and Granddaddy's house where we played some more. I even got to eat a super big, sour, yummy popsicle! When we got home Auntie Rita came over to play with us. She helped Finn and I tackle Mommy. It was hilarious. And it was a really fun day today!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Today we were back to our routine and if felt good to be home. Daddy was home in the morning and he made us our breakfast. I was a hungry little monkey today! Then we did some playing, some reading, some jumping in the jumperoo. It was a good day!

After Finn's morning nap Mommy, Finn and I headed over to Trader Joe's. We wanted to play outside but it was too steamy hot out already. Mommy let me help her push the cart and put things in the cart. I also talked Mommy into getting me some mini mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches...YUM! Then we came home, ate lunch and took the longest naps ever! Even Finn slept longer than I did. Mommy was amazed. When the sun started going down it was super nice outside. Daddy and I took the trash out and we watered some of Mama's plants...and me! It was a good day!

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Yesterday at nap time, Mommy and Daddy loaded us up into the car and we headed back home. We were very sad to leave the beach, Grandma and Granddaddy and our cousins but all that playing on the beach all day made me and my brother sleep the whole way home. I think Daddy slept most of the way home too but don't let him know I told you that! As great as the beach was, it was nice to come home and get back into my routine. I was happy to wake up in my own bed this morning and I even slept in for Mommy and Daddy!


Today was a steamy day! When we got up Mommy and I headed to the party store to get some things for my birthday party. I also got a few extra things because I was such a good boy on our outing! I got a shiny, blue, star balloon, I got bubbles for my bubble machine and I got a black and white beach ball. That Mommy sure does spoil me! When we got home we all hung out on the porch and played with the bubble machine. Finn and Lucy really like the bubbles too, but Lucy kept trying to eat them and I can tell you from experience that bubbles don't taste very good...For dinner we went to Nana and Papi's house. My Auntie Nay Nay, Tori and Great Aunt Rosa and Uncle Kevin were there too! We had a really fun night and it sure was nice to see my Nana and Papi!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Today was another gorgeous day! That beach air must have worn me out yesterday because today I slept in! I think we were all happy about that. After breakfast Mommy and Daddy got us all packed up and headed to the beach again. I was way too busy to take my morning nap, so instead I played in the sand and the water with my Grandma and my cousins. It was so much fun! Then Grandma got me to finally crash on the beach. That sea air really does a number on me!


 Today was an awesome day on the beach! Daddy and I ran around up and down the beach and in the water all day long. I have never had so much fun and I have the best Daddy ever. We dug holes, we built sand castles, we played with my cousins and the beach toys. It was so much fun. I love the beach!

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

This morning I was so excited because when I woke up we were still at the beach! I decided to wake up at 6am. No one else was really down with my plan to get a jump on the day so I just hung out in my crib for a little while and talked to myself. Mommy decided that we should go for a walk, just she and I, while everyone else just slept in. So, Mommy and I went to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and bagels. It was a beautiful morning and you don't see too many people out at 6:30am at the beach...

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When Mommy and Finn got back from their walk Daddy and I were up and ready to get the day started. We got our bathing suits on, packed all of our beach gear up and headed out. We got a perfect spot on the beach and the fun began instantly. We built sand castles, we dug holes, ran around with our cousins and Daddy and I spent a lot of time in the water. I had such a fun day. And then, in the evening we headed to Fish Tales. Then Mommy had to take Finn home because it was past his bed time but I got to stay out and party with the big kids. Daddy and I went to Kriby's for dinner with everyone, and after dinner I got to have mint chocolate chip ice cream at the Candy Kitchen, YUM, YUM! It was such a fun day. I hope we can stay at the beach forever and do this every day!!

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Friday, May 25, 2012

This morning Mommy and Daddy, Kai and I, got up early and all piled into the car. We were going on a trip! We got to make a stop to eat breakfast but otherwise we weren't in the car for too long. When I woke up we were at the beach house! We unloaded our stuff and I got to do some exploring of the house. I crawled around and then when no one was paying attention, I scooted my way right into the bathroom and pulled myself up onto the bathtub. I was just standing around, checking things out. Everyone was very happy and surprised!

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When we got to Ocean City Mommy and Daddy took me to have my first real meal at Kirby's. I loved it! I got to play video games and eat a nice, juicy hot dog! Later my Grandma, Granddaddy and cousins Isabella and Colby showed up. I was so, so excited!! We all got ready and headed to the boardwalk. It was the coolest place ever. There were so many people, games, rides and ice cream! The cars were my favorite ride. I rode on that one 3 times! I went on the Tug Boat with Mommy and Colby and it was super scary. I screamed and screamed, but somehow when it was over I thought it was super fun. I'll just never go on it again...We had so much fun and my cousin Isabella even won me a little Elmo doll. Poor Finn, there wasn't much there for him to do. He just laid back and fell asleep. I can't wait to go back to that place again. It was THE BEST!

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

This morning Mommy had to go take care of some business so it was just the boys hanging out. My brother and I played so nicely in our playroom. It's fun hanging out in there with him. We played with lots of toys then Daddy took us out on the town.


Daddy took me to a special place to get my hair cut today but I wasn't going to let that way! I hid underneath a table and every time that woman with the scissors came close to me I let out a loud scream. I don't know why getting my hair cut freaks me out, it just does. So, Daddy, and the hair cutting woman, gave up and let me go home. When Mommy got home she and Daddy cut my hair themselves. I freaked out and screamed like a maniac but somehow Mommy and Daddy stayed calm, got the haircut done and made me look like a very handsome boy. It sure it stressful but once it's over everyone's happy!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This morning we ate breakfast and then Mommy got us all ready and we headed to Harris Teeter to do some grocery shopping. I'm all out of bananas and I gotta have my bananas! I was a big help to Mommy getting all of our things into the cart and then I even got to eat some animal crackers. It was lots of fun.


After nap time I was so happy to see Daddy was home! He was hard at work in our front garden making it look even better than it already does! Then it started raining and thundering and lightening so there was no more playing outside for the day. That's okay, we're going to go to the beach this weekend and hopefully we'll be outside the whole time! Yayy


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today was a fun day. It stopped raining so we got to venture out of the house. In the morning we met Grandma at IKEA to get a few things. It was a lot of fun running around that big store. After that we went to pick out my Birthday cake. I'm going to be 3 years old in 12 days and I need a big cake to celebrate with all my friends!! After our errands Grandma came over to play with us at our house for a little while.


After dinner Mommy, Daddy, Kai and I went to the ice cream shop to get some dessert. We had a great surprise when MeMaw and PopPop came to meet us there! MeMaw even shared her ice cream with me. It was so creamy and cold and delicious. I could really get used to this whole ice cream thing!!! Baby food is for the birds!


Monday, May 21, 2012

Today was a rainy, grey day and it was a perfect day to stay in the house. Mommy did lots of cleaning and laundry but she also did a lot of playing with us. We read books, we played on the iPad, we watched Finding Nemo, we played in the play room and the living room and we scattered our toys all over the place. Mommy and Daddy just love when we do that!


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Today was a super fun day. Finn and I got to hang outside with Mommy and Daddy while they worked in our new front garden. It was another beautiful day and we were loving being outside. After nap time it was time to head to our cousin Griggs and Bray's house to celebrate Bray's 2nd Birthday!! I got to play with the kids and eat a yummy dinner and play in the play room and eat Carrot Cake. I also got to see my MeMaw and PopPop. It was a great day!!

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We had so much fun at my Aunt Cindy and Uncle BJ's house tonight. I got to see my MeMaw and PopPop and my cousins Griggs and Bray. I can't wait until I'm bigger so I can play with the big boys. Now I'm just too little and have to hang out with the adults all the time. They sure do get boring...But they're all really nice to me so I guess I can't really complain.

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Mommy and Daddy think it might be time to stop making me wear hand me downs...I don't know, all these holes kind of keep the air flowing in my pj's. Maybe it's not a bad thing after all?


This morning we all went to meet PopPop at the plant store to pick out plants and flowers for our front yard. We walked around the whole place. They had lots of stuff there and some pretty big puddles that Kai jumped in. He was all wet and muddy...We filled the whole car up and when we got home Mommy played in the dirt in the front yard and put all those plants in the ground. I think it looks really pretty, but what do I know?

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After nap time we got ready and headed to a party at our friend Miss Lisa and Mister Andrew's house. They had a band there that played super cool music!!! And lots of yummy food and a Birthday cake. I got to help blow out the candles! My friends Jake and Sofia were there and I got to play with them. Jake and I did lots of racing and we even had a dance competition. Finny had fun too and when it got late he put on his pj's and fell asleep in his stroller. He even slept through the band! It was so much fun. I hope I get to go to another party soon!

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Today was a super fun day! In the morning Mommy, Finn and I went to my friend Leighton and Elise's house. We all got into our strollers and headed for the park. It was such a beautiful day outside. There were lots of kids at the park and we got to see a big trash truck and a grass cutter. After the park we took a nice long walk in Leighton's neighborhood then we got to play with his toys. It was a super fun morning!

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After nap time we got a nice surprise! Our Nana, Papi and Auntie's came over and brought us dinner! Well, they all got dinner, I got mine pureed. If only I had more teeth, then I could chew some of the stuff they eat. I was lucky because Papi shared his plantains with me. Then we got to play outside since it was so beautiful outside still. It sure was a fun day!

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