Friday, January 31, 2014

Today we were very lucky because Daddy was home with us. I woke up really early, feeling much better, but still awfully snotty, and then I decided to take a little cat nap on the rug right in the middle of playing!



Daddy took Kai to school today and I slept in until almost 9am in Kai's bed!! Then Mama and I took a fun trip to Target. I got to check out all the different Lego displays and toys. I also helped Mama put things into the cart. I ate some of my goldfish and water. Then, I was such a good boy that Mama let me get a blue and orange Slurpee! YUM





I had a super fun day at school today. We got to learn about some very interesting science projects. We learned about hot air and cold air and how they expand and retract. Then we learned about Groundhog Day and got homework to do about it with Mama and Daddy this weekend! It was a really nice day outside so while Finn and Jax napped, Mama and I headed outside to play with my friends. We did some exploring, played some soccer, played freeze tag and even walked down the street to check out the creek and check out the waterfall from across the woods. It was lots of fun and so nice and warm compared to how cold it's been outside. We also got to go inside and play a little legos too! Then we met Nana, Papi and LoLo at BurgerFi in Down Town Silver Spring for a little dinner. We got to have yummy burgers, hot dogs and chocolate custard with sprinkles. We had so much fun and a great day!




               photo 3-15

photo 2-11

               photo 1-24

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Last night Kai, Lucy and I had a little slumber party in Kai's bed. I love sleeping with my big brother!  Then this morning I started the day off by taking a nice, warm shower. It's fun to play in Mommy and Daddy's shower.




Then, we were really lucky because our friend Pearl came over to play with us! We played restaurant. I was the waiter. Then we made food for Mommy. I was the waiter and Pearl was the chef. Then we broke out the instruments. Mama turned on the music and we rocked out! It was the Kai, Finn, Pearl, Jax and Lucy band!! We had a really fun time.









Then our Grandma came over for a little while. I was so happy to see her because I haven't seen her in a long time! And then a little while later our Papi stopped by! I was also so happy to see him. I think seeing all these Grandparents in the last few days is making me feel better already!



While Jax was napping Finn and I finally convinced Mama to let us play outside. We bugged her all day and she finally gave in. Boy was it cold. She kept telling us but we didn't believe her until our fingers were frozen. But we had fun figuring it out. Then Mama and I headed to the skating rink for some practicing. I wasn't interested in skating on my own so Mama made me push her all the way around the rink. And I made it and we had fun, fun, fun! And I only fell twice.








When Mama and Kai got home we got to help her cook dinner and tonight we were having a Taco Party! We helped Mama make chicken tacos and they were delicious! Kai and I didn't even make a mess. We loved it and we can't wait to have another taco night. Maybe tomorrow! And the next night. Then Kai and I did puzzles together. Kai is great at doing puzzles and at teaching me how to do them too! It was a great day.




Wednesday, January 29, 2014

This morning Daddy stayed home long enough for Mama to take Kai to school by herself. I sure am glad because it was too cold for sick little me to be going out there! I did get to snuggle up with Daddy and take a nap in his arms. Like Father, Like Son!



When Mama got back and Daddy left for work Finn and I got to do some playing in the play room. I am also perfecting my crawl and Finn had a little bit of lunch before it was time to head back out into the cold and pick Kai up from school. Thank goodness Mama bundled me up!!






The rest of the night was just a blur of being sick, teething and being cranky. Oh, and also not sleeping too much! I hope tomorrow's better...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

This morning we were so lucky because our friend Guyer came over to play with us! I got to show him my Sonic game on the iPad and Mama even let us play it for a little while. Then we ran around like little maniacs, played with some legos and Angry Birds blocks then we had lunch! After lunch we got to watch some Super Hero Squad and we were pretending to be them! Nothing keeps you warm on a frigid day like running around being your favorite Super Hero!










I was a snotty, coughing, miserable, sick little baby today. And to add to my misery...I'm getting both my top two teeth. But Mama said that I didn't stop smiling and being such a good boy. I tried to make the most of it but having Mama to take care of me sure did help. I spent a lot of time in her arms today and I promise I'll try to sleep tonight because I need it just as much as Mama and Daddy!






Later Kai and I got to do lots of playing because baby Jax was spending lots of time with Mama. We were sad because Daddy will be home super late tonight. He has to be at the State of the Union Address. So we had a yummy pizza dinner!! And Mama promised that Daddy would come give us all kisses when he got home from work!
