Wednesday, September 30, 2015

This morning I was a little sad and down before going to school. Mama was a little worried about me but I was okay once I went into class. Maybe this drab weather is just getting me down but once I was with my buddy Charlie and all the fun stuff in class Mrs. Burns said I was just fine!







While Kai and Finn were at school Mama and I had some errands to run! First we went to the doggie store to get Lucy her food. I was a really big help and carried one of the bags! Then we headed to Giant where I helped Mama by weighing the bananas and throwing the chips as hard as I could into the cart. Then I helped Mama by eating sour gummy worms. I don't know what Mama would do on her shopping trips without me!






Later we got a great surprise when Papi stopped by to see us! Jax told Mama this morning that Papi was coming to see him today. I don't know how he knew it. They must have secretly talked!







Then it was bath time. Mama let us turn out the lights and take glow sticks into the bath. It was super fun. We even got to FaceTime with MeMa and PopPop from the bath!






Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Today Mama decided that we needed a little break from our busy weekend and Monday baseball game so we stayed home all day! Grandma stopped by briefly and we had a little pillow fight. That was the extent of our excitement for the day. And we were super happy about it! It was a good day!





Monday, September 28, 2015

Today was my lucky day because Mama, Finn and Jax came to get me early from school and we played a little hooky to head to the Nat's last game of the season!! We met Daddy by his work, he hopped in our car and we headed to the Nat's parking garage for our adventure! We were so excited when we got here. Everything was so fun and cool looking!




We got to play in the Nat's playground. We didn't want to leave but Mama and Daddy promised us that there was so much more fun stuff to see and boy were they right!






We were so excited to check out the field from up above. It just looked so cool! Then we headed to our seats. Uncle Freddy hooked us up with the President's Club seats. Daddy and Mama think we are going to be so spoiled. We're not going to know what it's like to really go to a baseball game like everyone else because let me tell you, this was a treat!



So close to the field! We could talk to the players!!


Mmmm Beeahh!





Wow! So this is how we eat in the President's Club...for free? Dessert for dinner and dinner for dessert? Check and Check! All the pizza and chicken and salads and carving station and peanuts and Cracker Jacks and beer and wine and lemonade and cotton candy and cookies and ham we care to eat. Pretty amazing!






We really had such an amazing time. I got to say hi to some of the players. We saw newscasters and photographers right next to us. We hung out with Uncle Freddy and Mama's old work friend Phil. I even got a real National's game ball from the umpire. I am one lucky dude and I won't be forgetting this trip any time soon!



That's a sports reporter back there!


I can touch the field if I want to!


Hanging with Mama!


Can not believe that ump just handed me a REAL ball!!


MY ball!

The ha ha (bird)!


What a great family night. We had so much fun!



We even got to check out the press conference after the game. I'm glad I'm little because I got to get right up front!



I did a little bit of relaxing while Kai watched the press conference. Nothing like a cookie and a big leather chair. Then we headed back to the car. It was so cool to take a little stroll through the stadium. It was such a great night! Go Nats!!!



That's where we were sitting, way down there!!

