Friday, April 30, 2021

Today Daddy and Mama let us take the day off. We had lots to get done before tomorrow and Jax was complaining about a sore throat so we didn't want to overdo it before his big day! 


So we of course accompanied Mama to get a car wash! 


Yay! Our favorite! We love the different colors in the car wash!



Then we made a stop to get flowers at Trader Joe's. When we got home Mama made 3 beautiful arrangements for the house for Jax's First Communion tomorrow!


They looked great! So pretty and bright!




Then Mama got working on my cake for tomorrow. We're all excited, it's going to be a great day!


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Today we had a tag day at school so and that is my favorite kind of day! I wore my mesh gloves and my light up shoes and I was stylin! 


And once we were all in school and Mama got a break she went to get her first pedicure in over a year and she was SO EXCITED!



Then Mama took the car for a wash and vacuum!



After school Daddy took Jax and I to get our hair cut for our big weekend to come!! Mama said we looked so handsome!



Then Finn had a make-up baseball game since his first game was cancelled. It was nice because they played at the St. B's field! 



I had some good hits and runs and I had lots of fun. I'm really enjoying this baseball season!



For dinner Mama made some yummy pork tenderloin. We had a super summery meal and it was delicious!



Wednesday, April 28, 2021

This morning we started the day with our Wednesday morning prayer service that we have every week and Mama logged on and she saw mine and Jax's classrooms and she could see us! She was so happy about that! 





Daddy had to work tonight at President Biden's first address to the country so we got to have a dinner palloozza for dinner! It was delicious but we sure missed Daddy at dinner time.


Later we saw this guy hanging around outside. He must have some good eating by our house because he sure is growing and coming back year after year.



Later Mama's Wednesday ladies came over to hang out for a little while and I got to go out and say hi to them! I hope this nice weather keeps up!


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Today Finn had another baseball game in Rockville, we got to play around and I even did some work on my laptop and got to read a little bit!



I played really well and I had a lot of fun. It was another hot evening but it felt good to be out in the field!



I got to run around with my friend Tino. Daddy even got us something at the snack shack. I like baseball Tuesdays in Rockville!



Monday, April 26, 2021

Today I had Mama color my hair for our adventure! We had no school so it was a perfect day to do it! 



It was a beautiful afternoon so we decided to head to the National Arboretum! 


It was a beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky!



We were so excited to have a fun day of exploring and having some outdoor time!







Daddy hooked us up with a beautiful picnic. Great food and a great spot to relax in!





Then we went to explore our favorite spot...the pilars!




It was such a beautiful, clear day! It was the perfect day for a visit to the arboretum!






We had such a fun day and loved looking around at all the pretty spring colors and things in bloom!










We also saw some giant koi in the pond! They were like sea monsters!






Then we got to play in the back of the car with all the seats down! WOW there's a lot of space  back there! It was so much fun. we can't wait until our next trip to the arboretum!

