Tuesday, July 31, 2012

This morning Mommy got us together and we headed to White Flint to ride the train and do some shopping. I was really excited about the train part...the shopping, not so much! We met Grandma and Ema there and we walked around and even got to eat lunch after the train and shopping. I had a slice of pizza and it sure was yummy!





When Daddy got home tonight he played with us in the play room. He played with us in the family room and in the living room. Then we did some racing around with Kai. We had so much fun and we laughed and laughed and laughed. That Daddy, he's like a big kid and we sure do love it!



Monday, July 30, 2012

This morning Mommy went to get her hair done so Daddy hung out with us. Then Grandma came to play with us. It was a good thing because I was a sleepy little monkey and I got to go upstairs and snuggle with Daddy while Kai and Grandma played downstairs. When I woke up Daddy had to go to work. That made me sad but playing with my brother and Grandma sure made me  happy!


I had a ton of fun playing with Grandma this morning. Then, before we knew it, Mommy was home! Then we all played pillows and jumped on the bed before nap time. After nap time my friend Pearl and Miss Meena stopped by to play with us but it was a short play because it was almost dinner time. But it was a fun short play. Then, next thing you know, it was our favorite time of day - bath time! Finn and I played and splashed around. We have such a good time in the bath together.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Today was a spectacular day from the start! In the morning Mommy and I went to Giant to get some special supplies to make cupcakes and then we went to Dunkin Donuts so that I could get a sprinkle donut. When we got home I got to help Mommy make cupcakes. They were pink and so, so yummy!! When we woke up from nap time we helped Mommy and Daddy get ready because we were going to have a party and all my friends were coming over!!!


We got to meet our friend little David for the very first time. He was so little. Mommy and Daddy said that I was his size once but I don't believe them! I also got to play with Wes but his little brother was too little to play with us. 


I had so much fun with all my friends. I shared all my toys with them. We had cupcakes and dinner. We ran around like maniacs. Analise and I put Bella in jail. We had snacks. Then Jake, Analise, Bella, Sofia and I had a dance party!!! Even our parents got into it. The music was so loud. We loved it!! I was so sad when all my friends had to go home. I can't wait to see them all again soon!



Saturday, July 28, 2012

This morning I woke up at 5am, went pee pee in the toilet and then went to tell Mommy and Daddy the good news. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of me. Mommy took me back to bed but I couldn't really sleep. So, I decided to get back up and play in my room for a little while, but I needed some company so I headed back to Mommy and Daddy's room. They really didn't feel like playing with me at 6:30 in the morning. Sometimes they're so boring...Then I saw my little brother turn over in his crib and I took that as an indication that he was awake and ready to party! So I ran to his room to see what he was up to. I don't think he was quite awake before I got there but he sure was when I did! I jumped in his crib and we played together for a little while. Then we got bored and decided that Mommy and Daddy weren't going to get any more sleep. It was an early start to our Saturday for sure!



Once it was finally late enough where the rest of the world was up and stores were open we took a family trip to Bed Bath and Beyond. We had fun looking at all the stuff in that store. We even bought a couple of things! In the evening we went to Outback Steak House to meet Nana and Papi for dinner. I ate more of Papi's dinner than he did. I sure am a  hungry little monkey! Kai and I were well behaved and we ate lots of food. Then Papi took us on adventures all around the restaurant and hotel. We saw a wedding and some kids, we saw a big bus and Kai even got a special treat from Papi. I can't wait until I can eat M&M's too!! It sure was a perfect Saturday with my family!!



Friday, July 27, 2012

Today was a steamy, hot day but we made the best of it because we got to go to the pool, again! We met our friends Miss Lauren, Leighton and Elise at their pool this morning and it sure was fun. We splashed around. I got to play in my little speed boat, until someone told me that it wasn't allowed in the pool. But that was okay because Mama just held me and she and Kai and I all jumped around and played in the water. That made Kai and I laugh and laugh!



I was so happy to play with my friend Leighton today. Leighton and I put on our floaties and headed into the cool water. We had lots of fun splashing around. Then we jumped out to have a snack. Mommy packed us some cookies and they sure were good! Then it was back in the pool for some more fun! After we left the pool Mommy got us all dried up and we headed to Trader Joe's. I was a big help to Mommy. I helped her put things into the cart and then the cashier gave me some stickers because I was such a good boy. When we got home Finny and I ate lunch and took the best naps ever. I suspect that Mommy may be exhausting us on purpose so she can get things done while we sleep...hmmmm...



Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today was a super fun adventure. In the morning Finn and I ate breakfast then it was time to get in the car and get on the road. We were headed to see my friend Connor (and Aunt Krisha, Uncle Jay and my friends Leah and Paige). It was a long ride but it was worth it. When we got there we headed over to the pool. The pool was awesome! They had lots of pools to swim in. One had a really big helicopter up above it that sprayed water. One had a pirate ship water slide. One had a crocodile and a big snake and the others were for big kids and big swimmers. Finn and I had so much fun. I swam around like a little fish and Finn played with the twins in the very shallow area.



After pool time we went back to Connors house. Finn took a really long nap and Connor and I played and played. He has lots of cool toys and I think we played with every one of them! We had snacks and watched a cartoon and had a ton of fun.


When I woke up from my nap I got to play some more with the twins and my big brother and Uncle Jay and Aunt Krisha. They had lots of toys to keep me occupied and it was a ton of fun. After dinner Mommy got us all in our pajamas and we headed down the road. We had a great day but we sure did miss Daddy and we needed to get back home to see him. I think he missed us too!  I can't wait to play with them again soon. We had a really good time.



Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Today was a beautiful day. In the morning Mommy, Kai and met Grandma at the library to see a few films. We watched Strega Nona, Joseph Had a Little Overcoat and Stone Soup. I even got to sip on a bottle in Mama's arms as we watched our films. It was nice. After the films we got to read some books and Mommy and Kai picked a whole bunch of books to bring home with us. We didn't stay at the library long because it was so beautiful outside so we walked to the park.




We had a little snack picnic at the park and played on the jungle gym. Then we headed home for lunch. We got to eat our lunch out on the front porch. That was so nice! Then it was time to read some of the fun books we checked out of the library. We picked some good ones this time!



After nap time Kai and I got to have some snacks. Kai had a mini chocolate donut, but you'd never know it! Then we got to go back outside to play some more while the weather is so nice. Then our Auntie Nay Nay stopped by to borrow our weed whacker. It was so fun to see our Auntie. Today was a super fun day!!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

This morning, after breakfast, Mommy got us all dressed and we headed out the door to Harris Teeter!  We love Harris Teeter. When we got there I got to shop with my own cart. I was a really big helper for Mommy. I put lots of things in my cart and I even helped the cashier ring up our groceries. She was so happy that I was there to help her! Then on the way out I got to eat a sugar cookie and take a balloon home. Finn had a balloon too but his decided to fly away into outer space before we got in the car. I was so sad for him but he didn't really seem to care...


We had such a fun time at the store today then we came home and played with our toys. We spent a lot of time in our play room and then I got to play with Mommy's pots and pans and tupperware. She loves when I do that! After nap time Kai and I did lots of snuggling and laying together on the floor. We also played with our toys. He makes me laugh and laugh. I have the best big brother in the whole world!


Monday, July 23, 2012

This morning Mommy took us to the Party Store so we could get some fun surprises!! We got some Firefighter hats, some Construction Worker hats, a Pirate hat and I even got a farm lunch box to put my cars in. We had so much fun running around the store looking at all the cool things. It was a super fun adventure!



When we got home from the store we went to play with Aidan, Rowan and Pearl in Pearl's back yard. I got to swing on the swing that was just my size! Kai and Pearl played in the sand box and Aidan played on the big boy swing and on the play house. He was doing lots of exploring. We only stayed for a little while because the mosquitos were attacking Mommy and Kai. Mommy has more mosquito bites than I know how to count to and Kai has bites on his face. I don't think we'll be playing in Pearl's back yard for a little while but we sure did have fun today, even while getting bitten!



Sunday, July 22, 2012

This morning was cloudy and gray, but as the day went on Mr. Sunshine made an appearance and that made us happy!!! Kai and I even got to go outside and play for a little while once it dried up outside. 


 For Dinner we met Nana, Papi, Auntie Rita, Auntie Tori, Miss Lara and Pearl at Pacci's Trattoria. We played and ate yummy pasta and had tons and tons of fun.



After dinner we got to go to the Jamaican Ice cream shop. I had chocolate banana. Finn got to have a little of everyone's ice cream. He's pretty lucky! It sure was a super fun night!!



Saturday, July 21, 2012

Today was a rainy day but we managed to make it a super fun one! It was pouring rain this morning but that just meant I got to wear my rain boots and umbrella and splash in puddles!!


Mommy and I went to Miss Lara and Pearl's house to play on this rainy day. Pearl and I had lots and lots of fun. Then we got a super surprise because MeMaw, PopPop, Daddy, Finn and Lucy came over to bring us some donuts. It was like a party! Then they all had to leave because it was time for Finn to go to sleep. I got to stay and play a little longer!


While I was sleeping Daddy made Kai's bed into a big boy bed! He is a lucky guy. He is loving his new bed. I can't wait until I get a big boy bed one day! Later Mommy and Daddy got us all together so we could go to our Cousin Ryan and Kristie's party to celebrate their wedding. We got to see lots of our family and I got to play with my cousin Caleb for the first time. He is only 9 months old and he is already walking. Mommy said I can not be like Caleb. She said no walking, not yet! My Mommy's pretty funny!





Friday, July 20, 2012

Today was an awesome day! In the morning Daddy was home with us and we had fun playing with him. Then Mommy packed Finn and I up and we headed to Grandma and Granddaddy's house. When we got there I got to help Grandma make what I like to call hash brownies. I don't know why but everyone kept laughing when I called them that. Maybe one day I'll figure out why...? We were supposed to go to a neighbor's luau party but it ended up being cancelled. But that was okay because we had tons of fun with Grandma and Granddaddy anyway!


Grandma was helping me learn to walk today. It was a lot of fun but it was exhausting. Everyone seems to think that I should hurry up and walk already but Mommy said she can wait a really long time.  She's so patient...Today we got to play with all the toys at Grandma and Granddaddy's house. We all ran around and Granddaddy even tried to eat Kai and my piggies! We laughed and laughed. We sure did have a good visit!

