Monday, August 31, 2020

 Well, it's the day before school starts. We didn't do a whole lot, just got our spaces ready and all of our supplies together. For dinner Mama made some super yummy shrimp po boys!



They were tasty and it was a great family dinner. Yum Yum!


Then we even got to have dessert. Maybe it's a bribe before school starts tomorrow!!


Sunday, August 30, 2020

 This morning we had a visit from our little furry friend squirrelly! We don't know why but he kept licking our deck...weird critter!





Then we all got ready and headed for the creek!! It was a beautiful day and it called for some major outdoor time!




It was a beautiful day and  we were so happy in our normal spot! We got all set up and then we headed off to explore! We love exploring the creek together!





There were even some ducks hanging around!!




We had some lunch and snacks and got to read our books in the shade and sun. It was perfect!




Then we were so happy because we got a visit from Papi and Chance!




We had so much fun playing with toys and throwing rocks into the water and exploring and wading in the creek. It was a great day!




We had fun introducing Chance to our kind of fun! He loved hanging out with his big cousins and we loved showing him the ropes!




Then the ice cream man found us...on the closed Sligo Creek Parkway...How does this happen? And of course Papi bought us all ice cream!! BEST DAY EVER!



When we left the creek we headed to the pool to get some last minute swims in! And we were so excited because our friends the Coll's were there! 



We got to swim and have a little more fun in the sun! It was a great Sunday!



Saturday, August 29, 2020

My brothers and I spent most of the day playing and running around together. It was a nice, lazy start to Saturday!


Later I got to go to my friend Albert's house for an outdoor movie. Liam joined us too! It was a nice evening!


While Kai was at his movie we watched a movie too! We watched Godzilla!


We had so much fun at Albert's house. We laughed and chatted and ate popcorn and snacks. It was  a great time with friends!



Jax passed out during our movie. But he woke up just in time for the ending! At least he saw some of it.


Friday, August 28, 2020

This morning I had my distance learning orientation with the middle school teachers. I was a little nervous but it ended up being short and sweet. I wonder how the first day of middle school will go next week 


Then Mama took some pictures of me in my mask to share with my friends that are in school in-person. I'm happy that I don't have to wear a mask at home all day long...


Later our buddy the ice cream man came by our house. And when I say he came by our house I mean he drove up the street, parked in front of our house and waited...and waited...and waited until all of our neighbors walked down to our house to get ice cream and we all got Daddy and Mama to agree to let us get ice cream today too! Yay!



Later I had my class orientation. It was also short and sweet. Let's hope my regular school days are like that too. I guess we'll see!


Later we grabbed some Chick Fil A for late lunch and headed to the pool to try and enjoy some of our last pool days!


The sun was shining and it was nice and warm! And the water felt great!



We were having a great time...until we heard a big clap of thunder. Then the sky got very dark and it was time to head home! We still had a great time at the pool while we could!


