Saturday, September 30, 2017

This morning when we woke up Daddy made us a real Man's breakfast!! Rice, steak, eggs and cheese! It was delicious!


Then it was time to head to Jax's soccer game in Takoma Park. Daddy packed some chairs and a blanket and we got to chill while Jax kicked butt out on the field!






I did great out on the field today and I worked really hard! I had to recharge my batteries with some nice, cold water! Then we played a scrimmage and I did really well!




Later we had to help Mama and Daddy up at the Snack Shack to get ready for the big Fall Festival that was happening Sunday! While we were there our ice cream man came by and he told us it was his last day until next summer so he let us pick whatever we wanted for no charge! We were really excited about that!


Then it was time for my soccer game. It was an intense game and I SCORED A GOAL!! I was super excited and Daddy and Mama were really proud of me. My whole team played really well today and we won 9-0! I hope we can play this well again next week.







Then we went to Nana and Papi's house and Daddy and Mama went out in DC with some friends to celebrate Mama's Birthday...again!


They were at a beautiful roof top bar at the Beacon Hotel. And it looks like they had a fun night!








Friday, September 29, 2017

This morning when Mama took me to school she got to see my artwork. It's a self portrait in the cubist style, like a Picasso, who we're learning about in my class!


After school it was beautiful outside so I got to run around with some friends for a little while.




My friend Albert came home with me from school. We did a little electronics, then we ran around and played inside and outside. Then we picked up our friend Michael and we all headed up to the field to play and run around and watch Finn's soccer practice!




Later all the boys headed over to our house for a movie night! Daddy rented Captain Underpants for us, made us popcorn and we all hunkered down while Daddy and Mr. Coll hung out. It was an awesome way to spend Friday night!


And while we had our movie night Mama went to see Bruno Mars in DC with lots of girlfriends and Mama's from school. It looked like she had a great time. And they had really good seats so they could see Bruno really well!







And we got to have a sleep over with our friend Michael! It was a great Friday night!


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Today I was invited to a play date at my friend Connor's house. He lives in my neighborhood and he's in my class at St. Luke. His brother Emmett was there and also our friend Will from our class and his brother Tim and their baby brother. There sure were a lot of boys, as usual. But we had a blast running around and playing inside and outside and having snacks and running laps around the house. I can't wait until our next play date!






Then Mama and I had to go to Costco to get some things for the big weekend at the Snack Shack. I loved looking at the Christmas decorations. Even though we're over a month away from Halloween and not even close to Thanksgiving...



Then I got to have pizza for lunch! I ate almost the entire piece of pizza and some of the chicken from Mama's salad! I must have been a hungry monkey today!


And it must have been a big day for me because I fell asleep with my Halloween costume on top of me in Daddy and Mama's bed!


I got to go up to the Snack Shack with Mama while Kai had soccer practice. I helped Mama stock the fridge and make sure things were where they need to be for St. Bernadette's first Homecoming weekend!


I had a good soccer practice tonight. Coach made us run and do lots of drills. Plus I had to work up my appetite before heading out to dinner!




Then we went to the Pub to celebrate Mama's birthday. We had wings and fries and pizza. We got to hang out with our cousins and Aunts and Uncles and even MeMa and PopPop came by. It was nice to celebrate Mama with everyone. Even Uncle Freddy, who has boycotted the Stained Glass Pub, broke his ban to come hang with Mama!



Then Mama's old friend Dave came by! Mama was so surprised. She hasn't seen him in a long time and they were so happy to see each other. Everyone was really happy to see Dave Jones. And we were glad to meet him!





That's a lot of Moreno's and extended Moreno's!
