Friday, September 30, 2016

Today we didn't have school so we headed up to Davidsonville and met up with Grandma at Homestead Gardens to check out the Halloween displays! They had so much fun stuff to look at...and touch!







Then we got to check out the many types of pumpkins they had! Grandma even got us each a ghost pumpkin!





Then we went to check out the super cool skeleton pirate ship they had set up! And the amazing koi pond! We've never seen koi fish that big in our lives. They were as big as me! We loved checking it all out!










Then we headed to Grandma and Granddaddy's house to hang out for the day! We painted and colored and played games and ran around and ate lunch and watched some shows and had a great time!




Then we played some hide and go seek! I got caught hiding in Grandma and Granddaddy's bathroom! We had lots of fun running around and laughing!





When we got home Daddy took us all to the Pub for dinner. It was a great pub visit. We ran into some neighbors and friends. We had a great meal and lots of fun playing together. Then Mama's friend and our friend Pearl's mom, Miss Lara, came to see us! She was headed out on a flight back to LA to see Pearl so she only stopped by for a short time to wish Mama a Happy Birthday! It was nice to see her!








When we got home we took a bath. All of us! We haven't done that in a long time. We almost all can't fit anymore! But we had fun, we played with the soap with the little rubber ducky that Grandma bought us and we got the entire bathroom soaking wet. We call that a successful bath time!




Thursday, September 29, 2016

Today was a gloomy, rainy, windy morning. So we got our umbrellas and Jax got on his whole rainy day attire and we headed to school. It's picture day, and it's our Friday since we're off school tomorrow!!



I like it when all my brothers and Mama drop me off at my classroom. It's fun having them all walk me down the hall to say goodbye!




Then it was time for me to go to school. I wasn't really happy about the fact that we were going but I wasn't crying so that's good. And I went right in and got to playing when we got there. Mama loved my picture that I made the other day!



When Mama came to pick me up I had had a fun day but I was definitely sad and wanting Mama. It's a good thing she always comes back to get me or I'd be really sad!




Then we went outside and I jumped in big puddles...even though I didn't have my rain boots on...even more fun!!




After Mama picked us up we all headed to the Snack Shack to meet the Sysco delivery man. Then we got to work putting everything away. We were a little helpful to Mama but mostly we were just outside getting soaking wet, screaming and running around like the maniacs that we area...


Later Mama put new batteries in our air hockey table and fixed the fan so we could play! Mama whipped up on me but when Kai started to play me I was having none of that!



Then Mama, Kai, Jax and I played the Paw Patrol board game! Jax won fair and square! We couldn't believe it. Then came Kai then me. Mama lost the game...but we all had fun!



Lucy wanted to get into the game too...
