Sunday, April 28, 2019

This afternoon I had to go to my First Communion Retreat so I was there for 3 hours. Afterward everyone picked me up and we headed to our friends the Phucas's house. They were having a Greek Easter party!



As if we didn't have enough Easter. They grilled chicken and shrimp skewers, they had baklava and all kinds of other Greek delicacies, it was yummy and fun and delicious!


And of course we had ANOTHER Easter egg hunt. Because you know, we need more candy!



Saturday, April 27, 2019

This morning Mama headed to the Chesapeake Hyatt in Cambridge with her friends. They had drinks and pedicures and hung out for some girl time...





 And while Mama was away with Miss Alyssa and Mrs. Kuzner and Mrs. Shaper and Mrs. Devilbiss we got to have a boys day/night! Michael J stayed with us and Daddy took us to the field to play and run around.


Then Daddy took us to the Pub for dinner. It was such an awesome boys night!


Then Finn and I made a Picachu house out of blocks...


And Micheal and I worked on a stop motion movie with my Army men. It was awesome and a great Saturday night!


Friday, April 26, 2019

This morning we dropped Finn off at his friend Gabe's house for a play date. Then we went to Costco with Mama to get a few things...


Then everyone picked me up from my playdate and we headed to a surprise day at Dave and Busters!! This Spring Break has been THE BEST! We sure are lucky for all these fun things we've done all week.



We met some of our friends there, Tobias and Samuel and Grant, and we all played and played and played! It was so awesome!



We got to have some lunch and chill and run around some more. It was the perfect way to end our Easter break and we felt really grateful to Mama and Daddy for always making sure we have so much fun!



For dinner we went to TaTa Orly and Uncle Frederick's house! We got to see Alfred the dog, our cousin Leila was there and so was Eli and his girlfriend Lillian.


Dinner was so delicious and so was dessert and tea. We had cookies and fruit and got to hang out and enjoy each others company!





It was such a fun visit! And a great way to spend our Friday night!


Thursday, April 25, 2019

This morning we met Daddy and Mama at Mark's Kitchen for breakfast with Nana and Papi after our sleep over. We had such a fun night hanging with Nana and Papi. We got to look at all of Papi's really old and special coins that were in his safe!




After breakfast we went to the Ace Hardware store. We LOVE that store. Especially because they have great toys and our favorite stuffed birdies!


And even some creepy toys!!

When we got home we got to work on our gnome garden!! We were so excited to put it all together and we think it turned out great. Daddy and Mama do too!





Later Daddy and Mama took us to Uncle Julio's for a little late lunch snack. We had nacho's and guacamole and then...





It was time for the chocolate piƱata!! It was AMAZING and huge and we were so excited about it!




We broke that baby up and man what an amazing surprise! Baby churros, pineapple, blackberries, strawberries, chocolate, raspberry sauce, caramel, whipped was simply amazing and delicious! We tore it up!!





We were like crazy animals...and boy was the carnage amazing!



Then we noticed an Amazon Bookstore across the street. As much as Mama likes to support little, independent book stores, this one was pretty appealing. We all got to get one book!






Later we lit up all of our gnome houses and decorations. It looked so great at night!


Then we all chilled out on the front porch and relaxed before it was time for bed. Another amazing day of Easter break. We sure are lucky kids!
