Friday, November 30, 2018

Today Mama and I were just exhausted after our night at the hospital and not getting to bed until almost 2am! Mama took my brothers to school and I slept until almost 10am! I needed it.


Then I got to see Mama at school for Pizza Friday lunch. Kai was sad because he wanted to come but Mama wanted him to stay home and rest his arm since it was just in a soft wrap.


Mama was really glad because she got Kai a doctor's appointment in the afternoon. We all went with Kai and Mama to the orthopedic doctor's office to get Kai checked out.


The doctor confirmed that my arm/wrist was indeed broken and that it was a pretty straight break and that my arm hadn't shifted so it should heal pretty quickly.


The tech came in to bandage me up in a hard cast. I was really excited because I got to pick a camouflage cast! It looks really cool!




Now Mama feels much better with me running around and playing with my brothers with the hard cast on and the risk of getting hurt worse out of the way. AND now I can still have my Mega sleepover that I planned tonight. HOORAY!


And later, All the boys arrived for our crazy Friday night! Kai's friends Liam, Conall and Nathan came over and Finn's friend Stephen came over. 




We played games, we ran around, we did some electronics. Then we had dinner pallooza! A junk food feast of curly fries, mozzarella sticks, taquitos, chicken nuggets, marshmallows and oreo cookies! It was AWESOME!




Then we did more playing and running around until we got cozy and got ready to settle in for a movie.


Daddy and Mama set us up with popcorn and blankets and pillows and we got to watch The Christmas Chronicles. It was a super fun movie and we all laughed and had a great time watching it!



After the movie we played some UNO and other games before Daddy and Mama shut us down around 11pm...


But, as it happens at sleepovers, the big boys stayed up pretty late! Daddy had to finally shut us down around 12:45am! But Mama made the rule that we were not allowed to get up before 7am. We'll see what happens...But it sure was the best night ever!




Thursday, November 29, 2018

This morning was fun because we got to pick up my friend Michael to head to school with us. We all walked in together!



When Mama got home she took pictures of the crazy guys cutting down some huge trees on our street! They had to have a giant crane and they hoisted the men into the trees. It looked terrifying!



The pieces of the tree that they cut were as big as cars. It was HUGE. We'd hate to do their job!


Then mama got a call from school that I wasn't feeling so great so she came to get me. I think Mama and I decided that I just needed a little break, and that's okay every now and then. So off to Costco we went!



And then we got to go get a car wash!! Hooray!


Later Mama went to a wreath making party at our school. She met all her friends there and they made beautiful wreaths to hang on our front doors.



And they had lots of fun!



Then....Mama came home and I had ice on my wrist and she just knew...and off to the hospital we went! We had to wait in the waiting area for a while...


Then we went to have my vitals taken from the nice technician.


Then we had to wait to go get x-rays done. The Ice Age movie was on and that made me happy.


Then it was time for x-rays. Boy did it hurt when the x-ray tech moved my arm around.

But it was fun being carted around in a wheel chair!


Then we waited some more for the doctor to come in and examine me, this time with ice on my arm. Then we had to wait for the doctor to look at the x-rays. And the verdict is...BROKEN wrist!


So then we waited for the next tech to come in and wrap my arm up in a soft cast until we can get to the orthopedic to put a hard cast on.


All wrapped up and good to go and smiling...probably because it was almost 1am and Mama and I were both delirious!


And then Mama did the comparison shots - 2013/2018 Same spot. Both times it was when I was horsing around on Daddy and Mama's bed! I'm never allowed on their bed again...


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Today was a chilly, windy day. Mama took us to school and we did our daily ritual of hugging each other and saying goodbye. It's a good way to start the day!





We didn't take any pictures during the day but in the evening Mama had to go to a meeting at our school. Daddy hooked us up with TV dinners. And we actually got to eat them while watching TV!! It was awesome. And a fun night with the boys!




Monday, November 26, 2018

This morning we woke to an awesome sunrise. It looked like the sky was on fire!


Then we headed downstairs and saw the Elfie arrived!! He left us a fun note and he was sitting in Daddy's stinky shoe! He's a silly elf but we were sure happy to see him!



Later, Mama made a yummy smelling apple cake with salted caramel glaze for dessert. But first...



MeMa and PopPop came over and they were so kind to bring us dinner that MeMa made! It was delicious and we had so much fun hanging out with them. Then we got to eat our yummy apple cake for dessert.




Then I took a bath while Kai and Finn showed MeMa and PopPop our bedroom Christmas tree. They loved it. It was a great night!

