Thursday, October 31, 2019

Today is Halloween and a super busy day at school! It started with our STEM pumpkin activity where we estimated and made hypotheses about how big, tall, wide, how heavy, if it floats, about our pumpkins.


It was really interesting. My group had the biggest pumpkin but it ended up being the lightest. AND we had the least amount of seeds in our pumpkin. Only 215 compared to some of the small ones that had over 500!



Then it was time for the Halloween Parade! Mama and some other moms came to help us get into our costumes. Then, since it was pouring down rain we had to parade through the school and into the school hall. We didn't mind. It was still lots of fun!












The K-2 teachers all dressed as dry erase markers. They looked great!


Then it was time for my class Halloween Party! Mama and Mrs. Filburn came to make it a success! And boy was it fun!


We got some great snacks, We got to play fun games!



And I won one of 2 "No Homework" passes!! I was so excited!


Rohama and I posed with our special prizes!


Then we took a class picture. Mrs. Dewey came to snap pictures in her Big Bad Wolf costume. It was silly!



And then we even got to make a craft! Hermela and I made Werewolf masks. They were funny!




And then the real fun began! It was time for trick or treating!


Our first stop was to Monsignor's house before it got too dark and crazy in the neighborhood!


Monsignor and Father Russo let us pick whatever we wanted! I got a full sized reece's peanut butter cup!



Then we stopped to see Mama's friend, Miss Amy!


It was a hot and steamy night with the threat of a tornado so we had to make our way quickly. We even ran into some of the big kids, Michael, Caden and Alexander. It was a great night! And we got tons of candy!


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Today we got to leave school a little early HOORAY!!! but it was to go to the dentist...BOOO!



Thankfully it wasn't that bad. Just a cleaning and all of us look pretty good! No cavities, nothing big to report. A good cleaning and a good, quick visit!


Now me on the other hand...I have been officially told that it's time to visit the orthodontist. I DO NOT want braces and I don't want to go to the orthodontist. And I'm sure Daddy and Mama don't want to pay for braces but it looks like that will be the case!


The dentist was impressed with all my missing and loose teeth. She even told Mama that maybe I need a caramel apple to get those loose ones out. I wouldn't mind that!


Best dentist visit I've had in a long time. Thanks to Miss Kristin!


Monday, October 28, 2019

This morning we all got to sleep in and Daddy made us all breakfast. Then we all got to go to North Four Corners Park for some much needed outdoor time!


It was a beautiful day! We did some climbing, we brought weapons and played war..



Then we played an epic game of kick ball! Daddy facilitated it all! It was a great boys day off!



Then we got to have Potbelly for lunch. WOO HOO!


Later we realized that we were out of fruit and we had a hankering for berries and mango. SO, we headed to Trader Joe's and stocked up. And we found the shark! It was the perfect ending to our Monday off!



Sunday, October 27, 2019

This morning MeMa and PopPop surprised us with a donut delivery!! We're so lucky and boy were they tasty!!




Then we did some bingo and playing and running around on this rainy, soggy Sunday morning.


And then, just as rain stopped, the clouds parted and the sun began to shine, we headed to the theater to see The Adams Family movie!! 


We were really happy because Daddy came with us. It's rare for Daddy to join us at a movie. And we got to sit back, relax and have some movie theater snacks!






The movie was super fun. And when we got home Mama got to work finishing up our Halloween Costumes!



Then our buddy Joseph came over to play for a while. We did some outdoor time since it was so nice out. Then we played some iPads once it started getting dark.


Then our friends Stephen and Liam came over for a double sleep over!!



It was an awesome night and we're so excited for sleepovers and no school Monday!! Woo Hoo for long weekends!
