Sunday, September 30, 2012

Today Mommy and Daddy let us enjoy some of the beautiful weather by playing outside.I got to do some exploring and went on an adventure in our trees. Then Finn and I helped Daddy make lunch. It's getting a little crowded in the kitchen helper stool but everyone loves helping! Mommy and Daddy got lots of stuff done around the house today so Finn and I did lots of playing and we made some really good messes. That did not make Mommy and Daddy very happy!




After my nap Kai was still asleep. This was my chance to climb up into the kitchen stool all by myself. I'm not going to lie, It felt pretty good in there....


Saturday, September 29, 2012

This morning we got up and headed to IHOP to meet Nana, Papi and Auntie Nay Nay for breakfast. It was so yummy!! Daddy and Papi kept food in my mouth at all times. And we all know that makes me the happiest! I had eggs and pancakes and potatoes and milk...Mmmm, Mmmm!! I also made one big mess. I hope they left that nice waitress a big tip!!



After breakfast we went to pick out some pumpkins. I was so excited! There were pumpkins of every shape and color and that made me so happy. There were also lots of fun Halloween decorations. I wanted to take them all home. Then Papi and I walked all around Home Depot. That's my kind of store. I think Papi and I could get in a lot of trouble in there. There was so much cool stuff everywhere! I hope Papi takes me back there soon!!





Later we had a super cool surprise when Uncle BJ, Griggs and Bray came to visit us. It was a short visit but we got some good playing in. We sure do love seeing our cousins. We can't wait to hang out with them again soon!!




Friday, September 28, 2012

Today we had a relaxing day at home. Mommy even let us all stay in our pajamas all day! Daddy came home early and for dinner we headed to Annapolis to meet Grandma and Granddaddy for dinner to celebrate Mommy's Birthday, again!


We had lots of fun and Finn and I both behaved very well. Grandma and Daddy just made sure to keep feeding Finn and he was happy. I got to play with cars and Granddaddy and I was A-okay! Finny kept sharing his water with me, he's so nice! And after dinner we got to walk down the road and get some ice cream. YUM, YUM!


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today was Mommy's Birthday and we made her day because on the way to drop Kai off at school, Kai and I held hands. I sure do love my big brother and he loves me!


At school today we got to play outside and when we were inside we went to chapel and we also painted with shaving cream paint. It sure was messy but it was fun, fun, fun! Mrs. Cihlar sent home pictures for Mommy and Daddy so they got to see me in action at the park today!

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For dinner we went to Jackie's to celebrate Mommy's Birthday with Nana, Papi, Auntie Rita, Tori and then Auntie Nay Nay joined us after her meeting. I had lots of fun going on adventures with Daddy and Papi. Finny had fun too because he got to be picked up and carried all around on adventures too. Mommy and Daddy said we can't go out to dinner anymore because of Finn but I'm not quite sure what they mean by that. I guess I'll be finding out soon...




Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today was a fun day. Grandma came over to play with Kai and I in the morning and we had so much fun with her! She played with us and raced with us and fed me, which always makes me happy!!


For dinner MeMaw and PopPop came over. We were so happy to see them. We ran around and played and had a ton of fun. We got to see 3 Grandparents in one day. That makes it a pretty special day!!




Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today Kai went to school so Mommy and I went to the grocery store. I got to ride in Kai's car seat while he was at school but don't tell him that!! It was fun being able to see everything around me. I also held my bottle by myself for the very first time. But I wasn't letting Mama off the hook that easily. She still had to step in to help me out. If she thinks I'm going to start holding that thing on my own she's mistaken. I love it when Mommy and Daddy feed me!!


I had an awesome day at school today. I played outside with my friends Charlie and Will and Samantha. I made an art project and got to use the scissors by myself! We also learned some new songs that I taught Mommy and Daddy when I came home. It was a beautiful afternoon so after resting Mommy let Finn and I play outside. It was a great day!!



Monday, September 24, 2012

Today was the coolest day ever! Daddy didn't have to work today so he to Mommy, Finn and I on an adventure!! We went to Washington, DC to explore. We went to the Smithsonian. I love that place! I got to look at the animals and dinosaurs and sea creatures and the huge elephant. We got to have a snack in the cafe and we got to see a 3D movie in the IMAX theater about flying dinosaurs!! Finn and I weren't huge fans of wearing the glasses but it was still pretty cool. Mommy said the movie made her nauseous, whatever that means...We had such a super fun morning!!






After nap time it felt like all the kids in the neighborhood came over to play! Pearlie and Miss Meena came over, Mary and Erin, then our neighbors from down the street, Cole, Jackson and Ellie came over with their moms! We played on the cars and on the seesaw, we had so much fun! Then it was time for dinner so everyone had to go home. I hope all our friends come back to play with us soon!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Today was a beautiful day outside. In the morning we went to our friend Wes and Uncle Mike's Birthday party. It was at a park and it was so much fun!! We did some swinging, we played in the sand box, we played in the cars and ran around like little maniacs. We got to eat lunch and I got to help Wes and Uncle Mike blow out their Birthday candles. It was so much fun!




After dinner Daddy let us go out in the front yard and have some ice cream. I would not let anyone help me eat my ice cream. It was a little messy but it sure was tasty!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

This morning Daddy took Finn, Lucy and I for a nice walk in the neighborhood. It was a beautiful day and we had such a nice time. After nap time we headed to Nana and Papi's house for a party to celebrate Nana's Birthday! It was so much fun. We got to see all of our Aunties and cousins, family and friends. We got to play in the car and Papi even let me play in the cooler pool. We ate some yummy food and we even got to help Nana blow out her candles on her birthday cake. It sure was a fun night!







Friday, September 21, 2012

It was a  beautiful day outside today. In the morning Mommy gave me my allergy medicine and we headed outside! Pearlie and Miss Meena came over to play with us but we had to head inside when the gutter cleaners started cleaning the front gutters. There were leaves and yucky stuff falling everywhere and we didn't want it in our eyes. We had so much fun playing in the house too!


Later Papi came over so I could help him fix the car. It's a good thing I was home because Papi needed my tools and my assistance. Then Pearl came back over and the ice cream man came by. I got a Spider Man ice cream and Pearl got a Dora ice cream. Then Papi squirted us with the hose. It sure was a great evening!!!!






