Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Well today was my hooky day!! And although Daddy and Mama had other plans for me I heard about how much fun my brother had at the zoo and I decided that I wanted to go there too! So to the National Zoo we went...




We saw all kinds of fun animals and according to Daddy and Mama lots of things that my brother didn't see so that made it a little bit more interesting to them at least...I got to see these otters that were different than the ones Finn saw yesterday.


Then I got to see the big elephants out in the yard. This big guy named Spike was taking water from the pond and spraying himself. It sure was a scorcher out there and it looks like he knows how to cool down!




Then it was off to the Panda house and we actually got to see one of them outside playing and eating bamboo and then the other one inside. They are so pretty and fluffy!






We did get to see the sea lions like Finn did. And boy are they cute and super fast swimmers!



That bear was looking at me like I was a snack. I was surprised to see him out and about because it sure was hot and that fur coat he's got on did not look comfy in this weather!


Hi turtles and sting rays!


And then we came across some Dip n Dots. I got cookies and cream and they were tasty. Then we saw a dumpling food truck and dumplings are my favorite! I tore them up and they were delicious!!


Then we saw the tiger and the lion. They were HUGE! And the tiger was so hot he took a dip into the water. It was fun to see him swimming. The lion just walked around being big and scary looking!







We checked out the monkeys - boy does their house smell bad! This Mama looked like she was reading a story to her baby!


We even saw a dinosaur or two!! And then I cooled off in the mister. Wooo what felt good!



I even got to go with Daddy and Mama to get a car wash! It was the greatest hooky day ever!


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