Saturday, November 13, 2021

This morning Mama got up bright and early to check out the sunrise. She saw lots of little fox prints in the sand! We wonder where those little guys are living in the dunes!  


And she saw some beautiful colors in the sky as the sun started creeping up!


And some tractors working hard on the sand restoration projects that they do every few years off the beach to make sure that our beach never erodes so much that it's no longer there!



It was a peaceful morning, even with the tractors. And they made some pretty cool tracks in the sand. It was so soothing to look at undisturbed!






We're going to start going back out for sunrises again after Daylights savings and it's not 6:30am when the sun comes up...


Then Daddy and mama got to work inside the house. Mama hung this towel rack.


Then we realized how beautiful it was outside and we headed to get some beach time in!


It was only in the 60's but it felt great out and we were loving that sunshine!


Daddy and Mama brought some chairs and toys out and we relaxed and had some fun.








Then we had a hole digging competition. Mama timed us and we saw who could dig the deepest hole in a certain amount of time. Then we stood in our holes and covered our laps with the sand.



I helped bury them in their sand holes.


Then I photo bombed them when they asked Mama to take pictures!



Then, without warning the winds shifted and it got windy and chilly and Mama said she was out of there. So we all left the beach and went home where Daddy made us some yummy nachos!


And Mama got busy painting cabinets, putting up a backsplash and working on the counter tops



We think it all looks great!



And we got to see some pretty colors on our way out to dinner!


And another dinner at Blue Fish that was out of this world! We've never had a bad time here and boy is it good!






I like trying on Daddy's readers. It makes me look funny!


When we got home we hunkered down in Kai's room to watch the new Clifford movie. It was really good and we had an awesome night!



And Daddy and Mama kept working away!



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