Friday, January 26, 2018

Today while we were at school, Mama treated herself to some Matzoh ball soup to try and get her sinuses cleared up. It didn't quite do the job but it sure tasted good!


When Mama came to pick me up my friends Connor, Will and I all played our elevator trick on Will's mom and brothers. We like to scare them when they come out of the elevator. We get them every time and boy does it make us laugh and laugh!




Then we did some playing outside for a while. It was nice and sunny and that is a good time to run around and play outside!




Later it was time for the Lilabean Dance A thon for pediatric brain cancer. Finn and I raised $115 and collectively, the 200+ kids that came raise over $30,000 for the cause! WOW! We ran into a lot of our friends there. We did very little dancing but lots of running around and playing. Then we decided that we'd have more fun at home. So much to Mama's delight, that's what we did. We headed home!





And while my brothers and Liam went to the dance a thon, I got to have a Daddy and Jax night! We were gonna go to the pub but then we heard some of our family was hanging out at Mrs. K's wine bar so we went there! Boy did we have fun. And I was the center of attention. Hooray! I had fun playing with Papi and Nana and Auntie Nay Nay and Uncle Harvey and Uncle Freddie! Papa taught me magic tricks and how to make the world's longest straw!





When we came home from the dance we had some dessert before heading to do some more playing!




We played some Minecraft and talked and giggled. Then Jax and Daddy had a pillow fight before it was time for bed. We're having a sleep over with Liam. Let's see when we actually go to sleep...



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