Friday, May 25, 2018

Today was my pre-school graduation from St. Luke Christian Day School. Mama and Daddy can't believe that school is over for me and that in the Fall I will be a Kindergartner at St. Bernadette! I am really becoming a big boy!






Even my brothers, MeMa and PopPop, Granddaddy, Nana and Papi all came to watch my closing program. We did such a nice job. We sang such pretty songs and everyone was really proud of me!




After the program we had a cookie reception out on the patio. I got to run around with all my best buds one last time before our venture to Kindergarten!










Then it was time to get packed up for our camping trip to Cape Henlopen State Park with all of our friends! Daddy got to packing up the car while Kai and I headed to school for field day. 


It was hot and sunny but we had so much fun and our house (the red house) WON field day!!! I think we're on our way to winning the house cup this year!



Then it was off to Delaware and our camping trip. We headed over the Bay Bridge and off to the camp site!




We arrived and I promptly caught my first frog. He sure was cute. And squirmy and wiggly! I let him go so I didn't squish him but I was off to look for more frogs right away!


Then we were off to play with all our friends. It was so cool to run all around the park and the dunes and the military tower with all the kids. It was amazing to have free reign of the park and be safe with people we know.



Daddy and Mama and their friends got the camp sites set up and the tents erected. We were set up in no time. It was really exciting.


Mama made lots of goodies for us and even adult juice boxes for the adults!



We had a cookout with all of the families that were there. There were hot dogs and burgers and sausages and sides and salads and desserts. It was great! And we had so much fun. Then we were off running around with all the kids again. This is a kids dream come true!


We took an evening walk to the beach with some of the parents and all the kids. We walked through the old military barracks and got to see some of the old artillery. It was AWESOME!




Then we hit the actual beach. It was pretty dark out and there were a lot of kids with us so Mama and Daddy shut it down and said we had to go back. There were too many kids in the water to keep track of so we made the long trek back. Boy was it a cool first night at the camp site!




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