Sunday, April 19, 2020

Today we made our first attempt at using our live yeast and making some baked goods! We started with some white bread and rolls dough that we mixed up in the standing mixer...


Then we proofed it in the Instant Pot! It was exciting leaving it in there to rise!




We couldn't believe that it really did double in size! And then we got to take it out and beat it up a little bit. Then we got to form it in to balls to make rolls!


Mama showed us how it's done and coated our hands in butter to make sure it didn't stick. That made us giggle because it tickled!






We all did a super job forming the dough balls. Then it was time for the rolls and the loaf to rise again!




Once they came out of the oven they smelled SO GOOD. And boy did they taste good warm with some butter on them. The simplest things seem to be the best things!



We didn't use enough dough for the bread and our pan was a little bigger than called for so the loaf wasn't too big but it was plenty and it was great for our first try!


It probably could have cooked a little longer but we were afraid to burn it. And it still tasted SO GOOD!


It's so exciting baking our own bread!!


And it's even more exciting when you can try it out with the crab dip from Founding Farmers! Boy was that a good combo!


And then we all got hair cuts out in the front yard. Another mow hawk for me! I think it looks great!


For dinner Daddy and Mama hooked it UP! We made home made Steak and chicken fajitas and boy were they delicious! Our house smelled amazing and doesn't it just look great?!




It was a fantastic dinner night. And even better because we got to share it together!


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