Friday, November 18, 2016

This morning Mama and I went to visit Great Ema in the hospital. She had a surgery so I brought her some flowers to try and cheer her up. I even got to carry them all by myself! It was a nice visit.



Then Mama and I ran to Target to get some gum for our flight to Florida tomorrow!



Mama and Jax and Lucy got to school early today to pick us up. Jax was asleep in the car so Mama walked Lucy around and my class was outside for recess so we all got to see Mama and pet Lucy. All my classmates love Lucy so much! It was a beautiful day so we were all enjoying playing outside!





Then Daddy showed up. Finn went in Daddy's car and I went in Mama's car. Jax was crashed out in the back. Lucy was just hanging out the window...



We were so lucky because MeMa and PopPop came to see us for a little while. We wanted to see them and say goodbye before our trip tomorrow. Afterward we went to the pub for dinner. It was so tasty and fun! 






Then it was off to the International Fair at St. B's. There were SO many families there. It was really great! All of the countries represented were amazing! There was tons of food from lots of different countries. Then the bigger kids got to do some performances while the littler kids and adults got to watch. It was a super fun night and I even got to run around with my friends and my good buddy Stephen! It was a fun last night with our friends before heading out on our Florida vacation!!













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