Wednesday, November 16, 2016

This morning that stinking fox was in our back yard again. As a matter of fact we first saw him being chased by a buck into our neighbors yard. Then he came back into our yard. And then just looked at Mama from the bottom of the fence when Mama tried to shoo him away!



When Mama took us to school I posed with my flower drawing. Mama was extremely impressed. She knows I'm a really good artist but she thought this was exceptional!



Then I got to pose with some of my art work too!


When Mama got home from getting Kai and Finn ready for school and dropping them off she saw that Daddy, Lucy and I were still sleeping...must be nice...


Then Mama and I headed to Grandma's friend Miss Jane's house for the Chew Crew's recreation of all the dishes they saw made when they went to the Chew show in New York. Those ladies were having so much fun while I got to play with the iPad. It sure smelled good in that house! And Miss Jane has an amazing, large kitchen!










The food all turned out so good. I got to sample some with the ladies. It was delicious. Mama and Grandma all left so stuffed! It was a fun day for the ladies. And for me!














Later I worked on my turkey project with Mama. We did such a good and creative job! I'm really proud of my work!


Then Jax and I got to take a bath! Since Jax pooped his pants for the 3rd time today and my cheeks were rosey and I told Mama I had a tummy ache she decided to throw us both in the bath to hopefully boil some of the germs off of us...Mama said she really hopes we're not getting sick. We hope the bath takes care of us for tonight. We can't get sick before our trip to Florida!



Then Auntie Rita and Timon came over to hang out with us while Mama went to the board meeting at St. B's and Daddy wasn't home from work yet. We had fun hanging out with her!



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