Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Hooray It's FAT TUESDAY! We got our costumes all on and the weather is mild and we're ready to head down to the quarter for the festivities but we're a little sad because we're missing a few of our Waldo's! Poor little Finn is still down for the count and Daddy will be staying home with him today. We'll try to have the most fun we can for both of them...


It was super crowded downtown but all of the costumes were really great!

The Trouve's dressed as Severis Snape, Belatrix Lastrange and Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and Charlie was a Saints Football Player. They all looked great!


Everyone really loved our costumes. Lots of random people took our picture and lots of people thought they were clever when they yelled out "we found you!"


There were lots of interesting and creative costumes!








We took a little pit stop at our favorite French Quarter playground to recharge our batteries and have some snacks and it really helped. We had a great time. And a parade broke out! Only in New Orleans!





We even saw a crawfish boil going on right on the street as we walked along. We wish we could have stopped for a few...but we couldn't do it without our Finn and Daddy there to join us!



It was a great day running around the French Quarter!





Then we went to hang out at a friends house right up on top of Royal Street where all the action is! It was a great house and a great location and we got to throw beads and see parades of people go by. It was an amazing Mardi Gras experience. And so cool to be right there in the middle of all the fun!











We even spotted some of our Waldo brethren down below! It was funny that we all spotted each other!






It was another great Mardi Gras! We were sad to be down a Finn and Daddy but it was lots of fun. We hope to have a do-over in New Orleans once Finn is feeling better!




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