Friday, February 21, 2020

We woke up this morning to a beautiful, sunshiny day! It was still a little cool out but that sun sure felt good! Kevin agrees!



We decided to go out and explore Magazine street while Tom and Liz went to work.



We love that everything is all Mardi Gras and how we fall right back in to place with our friends and on Magazine Street!


And we love how the hardware stores here now sell the kids parade ladders already made now!


Daddy was happy because the stores were pouring beers for patrons. What's not to like?



Mama and Daddy love seeing all our little feet on Magazine Street!



And we love going in and out of all the fun stores and trying things on and checking out all the funny things they have! We love this town!




We even got some sparkles on Charlie! We think he looked cute with them on! And we got Charlie and Finn a replacement hat for his beloved Mardi Gras hat he got from a float 2 years ago!


Then we made a stop for some pizza for lunch! It was delicious!



It's like we've never left walking around the neighborhood like we know where we're going. This is a special place!



Then Daddy and Mama went to a fancy place on Magazine Street for a quick bite and drink before the parades started. It was packed with people getting on floats and all the locals. And they said boy was the food good! 







And I was ready for the parades!!! Let's get this party started!


We got to park in our regular spot at Liz and Toms friends house and walk 2 blocks up to St. Charles and the Parade route...


And it was ON! We got right back into the swing of things. Catching loads of beads and toys and trinkets and stuffed animals and swords and hate and balls and anything they cared to throw from the floats! 



We were so excited to get the parades started and all the fun this week has in store! We had our bags and our gear and we were ready!



All the dad's hung out in front of St. Steven's ready to catch the rogue beads and footballs!

"Throw me something mister!" "Throw me the good stuff!" We learn quickly...




This is one cool crew!





The floats just kept coming and looked like there was no end in sight and boy did that make us happy!





Some of the outfits were pretty out there. But hey, at least this guy was warm on this chilly night!


It's safe to say that I was doing pretty well for myself! And this was pretty early on!


It's so fun to hang out with old friends! Especially at Mardi Gras in New Orleans!



We were super excited to see the Marine band. They were really fun and really got down and had fun!





We loved dancing to the amazing bands passing by. And boy were they amazing!


You could feel the music from your head to your toes. There is nothing else like it. And the bands go on and on for as far as the eye can see. They are truly amazing!




This was one of our favorite floats. It was just so cool at night!

And dinner was a magnificent charcuterie plate when we got home. Nothing better than that!


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