Saturday, September 3, 2022

 Mama's bike was back from the shop and so she took it for a nice, long spin this morning before everyone woke up and when it was still cool there wasn't a ton of traffic out and that's always a good thing too!



Then Daddy and Mama got our spot set up on the beach and drank their coffee by the shore. They said it's a great way to start the morning!



Then they saw these girls set up a really cute bridal shower on the beach. They set up a tent close to the dunes. They had a blanket and pillows to sit on. They had charcuterie and champagne. It looked like a fantastic way to start the day!



After we all had breakfast and finally made it down to the beach it was time to party! Hooray for the last days of summer!




The weather was perfect, the water was awesome, what more could you ask for?





Then lots of our family came to join us! Kristin and Stew and Brook, Aunt Lisa and Andrea, Brian and Laura and Carter and Wes! And of course our friends the Grays! We had a packed beach and it was so much fun!







And Daddy got to hang out with his buddy Tony the Scopes guy one last time!


Almost everyone got in the water at some point. It was great!







It was just about a perfect day out and we were so happy to hang out with everyone. Makes us think of Grandma and how she'd be right here with us. I bet she's happy that we were all together today!




After everyone went home to change and have some dinner we got all set up for our bonfire!



This looked a little Lord of the Rings if you ask me...what is going on here?


The fire started easily and the hole that Daddy dug was just perfect! We had all our supplies and were ready for a great night of roasting marshmallows and hotdogs!


And running around with glow sticks and headlamps!



It was awesome to make s'mores and hot dogs on the bonfire. We had a blast!












We even saw some fireworks on the beach and a beautiful moon. And Mama, Kristin and Laura all saw the same shooting star!! They said it was so cool. Maybe Grandma is here with us after all!


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