Monday, September 1, 2014

Well, Mama doesn't have a camera right now so there aren't really any pictures from our day today. In the morning Mama and I went to run errands together, just she and I, upon my request! Then we came home, got lunch and snacks together and headed to the pool for the most fun and saddest day of all...the last day of the pool. There was a DJ there, a bounce house, popcorn, raffles, games. It was a great day at the pool. We had so much fun and we were in the water all day long.




Later our Jax took a really long nap so Mama took Kai and I to Nana and Papi's house for dinner. Nana made a super yummy meal and Kai had seconds and thirds! Kai got his heel caught on the screen door and it hurt really bad. It was even bleeding. He was really sad but Nana made it all better with a green freezy pop! Everyone recovered then it was time to head home and get to bed. It's back to school tomorrow!


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