Friday, January 20, 2017

This morning Daddy had to leave bright and early before even Mama got up to head to work before the street closures for the presidential inauguration...SO, I Mama got us all ready and Jax got to take us to school today and see all of our friends at St. B's!



Then Mama and I decided to ignore what was happening in DC today and run around town and keep busy! Our first stop was Total Wine. No explanation needed...



Then Mama took me to the Dutch Market for breakfast. I got to pick out some tasty looking donuts! Then I got to pick out some tasty looking chicken wings for lunch. There was a lot of yummy looking stuff to check out there! Meats and breads and pastries and fruits and veggies! YUM it all looked so good!







Then it was off to IKEA for a few things. We were in and out in no time! I even got to have a few chicken wings on the way home from the store!





When we got home Mama let me help her put together our new hampers that we got...



Ta Da! We now each have our own hampers so we can keep our clothes separate and Mama and Daddy don't feel like they have to do laundry every other day!


Mama tried not to pay much attention to today's nightmare but she did see this picture that she couldn't ignore...


We were all feeling pretty good today. Well, everyone except Mama who is still battling this bad cold she has. We got to head up to our school tonight for Family Bingo night! Mama also found out that almost all the mom's she went to the concert with last weekend were also sick so it looks like that's how she got sick!! We had lots of fun running around with all our friends, playing tag and laughing. Then we got serious about playing bingo!



We ate snacks and played and played and thankfully Mama got Bingo so we got to go up and collect the prize! Kai let Jax pick a Hot Wheels car. I think that was fair...



It was a pretty good turn out and we got to eat pizza and cookies and have a good time. By the end Finn and Jax were getting pretty sleepy so it was good that we were heading home. We all need to get some rest! TGIF!




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