Thursday, January 26, 2017

This morning when Mama took us to school she said that the sky looked ominous! So she took a picture. It did look kind of spooky!



Today Daddy came with us to take me to school. I love when Daddy comes with us! It's so fun. I got to show Daddy how I can pick out my own name J-A-X!




Then Mama dropped off the Kindergarten gala basket at our school. There's lots of good looking stuff in there. I hope Mama and Daddy bid on it so we can have all of those rainy day activities!!


Then Mama got to come do recess duty for Kindergarten. It was a warm-ish day but boy was it windy! But we had fun running around outside and I was so happy that Mama was there!







When Mama came to pick me up she got to see my beautiful penguin that I made. He's so cute! Then I ran around outside with some of my friends for a little while before I was ready to head home!






When we got home we noticed that our bushes in our front yard seem to be confused. They're blooming and have flowers all over them but it's winter!! I guess all the sunshine is helping them...


Then it was off to the National Car Show at the Convention Center. We got to eat some good food and have some drinks and they switched it up this year and a lot of the cars weren't in the spots they usually are. BUT this was so much fun. We got to get in cars and play and run around!


We wish our car doors will open like these!!! WOW!









Later Nana, Papi and Efrain showed up to check out cars with us. They had a good time too!




Then we ran into our Uncle BJ, Griggs and Bray who came to check out the car show too!



The luxury cars were amazing!!


Then Nana and Papi bought us each a new car, because, you know, we all NEED a new car!



Then we did a little running around and playing with our cousins before it was time to head home and get ready for bed. It's been a big day!!



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