Tuesday, February 28, 2017

This morning Mama started the day at the Woodmoor Bakery getting all the King Cakes for my class and the Kindergarten classes. There sure will be some happy kids in our classes today celebrating Mardi Gras!




This is how I spent the night and this morning...doing treatments! Mama couldn't sleep all night because she was worried about my breathing. So I stayed home from school. We took Jax to school then Mama and I headed to Costco. I was a big helper! I was Mama's road dog today and we had fun!







I was really sad when Mama and Finn left. I wanted to stay with them and not go to school. But a few minutes after they left I was fine! I played with my friends and play doh and we painted bubble wrap. We're learning about colors and what colors change to if you mix them! 




My big brother Finn brought me a gumball with Nerds in it!! I was so excited and it was deelish!



Then we ran around outside for a little while!




Then, because I was missing Chick Fil A lunch at school, Mama took Jax and I to Chick Fil A for lunch. We ate and then we played and then it was time to go home and do a treatment!




Then, after the boys picked me up from school we had to take Finn to the doctors. Mama was very worried about him. The doctor told us that he was having his normal reaction to allergies. Normally we can help stop it with all of the medicine that Finn usually takes during the allergy season. We were thrown off since it's only February! The doctor gave us really good advice and medicine and we were in and out and Finn is on the mend already. I don't like when my little brothers aren't feeling well!





After our Taco Tuesday dinner we celebrated Mardi Gras at home with our own King Cake! Kai didn't have any since he had some at school but we did! We LOVED it! But no one got the baby...I wonder where it's at??!!




Then, after our shower, we got to snuggle up in Mama and Daddy's bed to watch a show before bed. It was a crazy day. Let's hope that everyone is better by tomorrow!!


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