Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Today it was back to school for all of us. Kai did not want to go to school today. I wasn't really feeling it either after such a long weekend but once I got there and I saw all my buddies and Mrs. Dailey I was kind of excited! We played outside and sang songs and pretended we were animals heading to our tables.




Today we painted our friends! My friend Connor painted me and I painted Connor. Connor has orange hair. I think we both made masterpieces! Mama agrees!




Then we got to run around outside for a little while because it was so warm outside! Then we went home and Mama made me exactly what I wanted for lunch. A bagel, strawberries and salami sticks. And I ate every bite of it! Mama was proud of me!





After lunch we hung out for a little while then Mama, Lucy and I headed out to walk to pick up the boys from school. I didn't last very long before I fell asleep.



We were really excited to see Mama, Jax and Lucy pick us up from school today. Even though it was weird to be dismissed as walkers and not car riders. Once we got over that we were super excited to walk home! I got to walk Lucy and we got to walk our friend Emmet home because Liam was home with a tummy ache today! I missed him at school. Recess and lunch sure were boring without him there!






Later our Papi, Tio and Primo came over to hang out with us and have dinner! Me and my brothers helped Tio rake and sweep the back deck to make it nice and tidy. Maybe now we can play out there...for a few minutes until it's covered with leaves and debris again from the trees and woods behind our house. Mama wants to make our deck a screened in porch. I might have to agree with her...





Then we hung out and played and ate a super yummy dinner. It was a great night. Then my brothers, Daddy, Mama and I all snuggled up in Mama and Daddy's bed to watch the end of the Avenger's movie before bed. it was SO good! It was a fun end to the night.





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