Thursday, September 14, 2017

Today Mama and I went to Grandma's house for a visit and we ran into my little lizard friend when we got there! I was so happy to see him! I can't wait to show my friends at school a picture of him!



Then we went inside for a snack and some iPad. Then we made a fort and played with cars and the kitchen and food. 



We also went outside to play some memory. I won!





Then I was surprised to see Mama and Jax up at the field when I was outside for recess. They came up to get the shack all ready for tomorrow night's games. It was fun to see them. And Jax was a big help to Mama. He helped get the fridges stocked and the boxes taken to the recycling dumpster.






When we came out of school Mama let us all play with our friends on the playground. It was such a nice day to run around outside. We played some soccer, some baseball, on the play equipment. It was a lot of fun!






Then lots of our friends came over; Liam and Joseph and all of us. We played and ran around and had a snack a pallooza and had so much fun until it was time for practice!






We dropped Kai off at his soccer practice then we headed to my cross country practice. It was awesome because Mama and Jax warmed up with me and they ran with me too! The whole way!


Then we saw this scary, huge plane fly over. Then some other jets...turns out it was the Air Force's 70's anniversary. Still a little scary.



I  had a lot of fun running with the group and Mama and playing games like Sharks and Minnows and  Duck, Duck, Goose! It was a lot of fun. I can't wait to go do that again!






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