Friday, September 22, 2017

This morning this huge buck was in our next door neighbor's back yard...


And these two boys were in our back yard. It looked like they were rough housing like me and my brothers do. It didn't seem like aggressive fighting, just looked like playing.



Then we noticed that our dove that's been living in our hanging basket has what appears to be chicks in her nest!! Now maybe her and her babies can move out so we can finally throw the dead flower basket away.


Then we saw our buddies from our back yard hanging out in our friend Liam and Emmett's yard!! It's like the wild kingdom over here in Woodmoor!


Then it was time for Mama and Daddy to take me to school. I was a little nervous again this morning but I was fine just a few minutes after Mama and Daddy left.


We had half day of school so Mama picked us up today and let us go to McDonald's for lunch! Then it was off to St. Luke to pick Jax up from school.


We saw him playing on the playground when we got there. Then he spotted us on his way back into the building!



I was playing with one of his friend's little brothers. He was cracking up! Then Finn joined us. And then Jax came out, finally!





I was so happy to see my brothers and Mama! It was a nice surprise! Then we went home and chilled out for a little while before it was time to head to the field to set up the snack shack and get ready for the games...oh and play and have fun with our friends!





Then Daddy came to join us and it was time for me to get out there to practice with my team! My coach said I did really great!


While Finn practiced we ate ice cream with friends and played and I might have dyed my face blue with my ice cream...






After my practice Daddy and I hung out and talked while the other boys ran around and Mama helped clean up the shack. We had a nice, long chat about everything and nothing. It was a great night!



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