Saturday, December 17, 2016

This morning we woke up to a frigid, icy day! Jax and I were excited to go out and play! Mama thought we were crazy and she was scared that we were going to slip and fall. But we wanted to go get some icicles! We didn't last too long out there. It sure was cold out!




When we came in Mama made us some dough to make ornaments. We got to roll it and then use cookie cutters to make our shapes! It was so much fun. Then we got to play with all the left over dough.




When we were done with our first project Mama let us decorate our gingerbread house village! We made a huge mess and ate a ton of candy but we did such a nice job with our houses! They look amazing and we can't wait to show everyone that comes to our house! I sure do with I could eat my house. I think slowly we will find lots and lots of candy missing from my houses...











Then Kai and I decided to go back outside for a little while in the rain and freezing rain. Mama really thinks we're losing our minds but we're boys and we like to play outside. So, Mama let us go run around for a little while. We didn't last too long this time either!



Then we got to go meet our cousins Griggs, Bray and Ana Sloan at the new Dave and Busters for dinner and to play games for our cousins Christmas Celebration. That place is massive. There is so much to do and see and it's loud. But boy were we excited!! We ran from game to game, we nibbled on some food and we had a ton of fun!











Then I ran into my friend Jack from my class and his family. We played a racing game and I can in first place!! Then we ran into our friends Aidan and Rowan! It was so cool to see all of them there. I think they all had a fun time too!






When we got home Nana and Papi came over to babysit us while Mama and Daddy went to a couple of holiday parties. They loved our gingerbread houses. We had so much fun hanging out with them and staying up late!


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