Sunday, December 4, 2016

This morning when Mama woke up for mass we were all so sleepy and snuggled up in our beds that she didn't wake us up. We did go to bed at midnight last night! So Mama went to mass and then afterward she brought us donuts home. She's a really nice mama! And we all got to sleep in. Kai even slept until 10 o'clock!!


Then, MeMa and PopPop came over and they brought donuts too!! It was our lucky day. And Mama even let us have extra donuts since MeMa and PopPop brought them!




And I sat on the toilet for a little while trying to do a big poopie...unsuccessful but we'll try again later...


Then MeMa and PopPop helped us decorate our bedroom Christmas Tree. We had fun putting the ornaments on all together.






Later we went to our friends, the Highfill's house, to make "goodie bags" for the homeless. You fill the bags with things that homeless people can use like gloves, hats, socks, chapstick, beef jerky, peanut butter crackers, hand warmers, water, vienna sausages, etc, and then we keep them in our car for when we're driving and can hand them out to people who might need them. We thought it was a really good idea and a fun things for all of us to do together. And I really got into it. It was a fun project to work on.






Then all the kids ran around outside and played and laughed and had fun and enjoyed ourselves. It was a perfect way to end the project.



Later Kai and I went with Mama to deliver our baked goods to the circle for the bake sale at the Christmas Tree lighting tonight. We were excited to hold the cakes!!




Then it was time to head up to the circle for the actual tree lighting!! We got to run around with our friends as the festive music played and lots of our friends played with us. Then we did the count down and the beautiful lights came on! Hooray!! It was a really fun night.













Then we can home, we ate dinner, took a shower and hunkered down. We had to get in bed early tonight after all of these late nights we've been having! Daddy read us books, Mama sang us songs, then it was time for bed! 


Later...much later, when we should have been asleep, Daddy and Mama caught us having a little sleep over. Kai was reading me books in his bed while little Finn just snoozed away!

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