Friday, March 24, 2017

This morning Mama let us have chocolate cake for breakfast!! We're not sure if Mama is just the nicest mom ever or she just didn't feel like making breakfast this morning...either way, we'll take it!


Today we had a half day of school and my friend Madison got to come home with us! We got to have McDonald's for lunch and it was so yummy and fun!




When we got home there were a lot of deer in the yard! We were a little scared so when Mama parked the car I rolled down my window and screamed at them until I scared them and they ran away. He he he...




We had fun hanging out with Madison. We did some iPad, some bounce housing, some hide and go seek (Madison had no idea who she was dealing with...we are professional hiders!), some games and just plain old fun!





Then it was time for hockey practice! We're really doing so well! We're confident and we're skating and we're actually having a lot of fun.






Then it was time for our scrimmage.We had a blast, even though my helmet got thrown off my head! It was fun to really get in there!! And we loved that Daddy was there to watch.



After practice Daddy decided that we need some guacamole and margaritas (for Mama and Daddy, not us!). So we went to Pollo Mex for dinner. It was so yummy!! And so much fun! A perfect way to start the weekend!






When we got home from dinner it was still light out and still mild outside. So, we decided to play outside for a while! Even Joseph came to join us. We played super hero's and battle and we ran around. We sure hope this is a sign that Spring is on it's way! We can't wait to spend more and more time playing outside!!






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