Saturday, July 27, 2019

Today we went to Poplar Springs Animal Sanctuary in Poolesville.  It was a gorgeous area and a beautiful day and we were so happy to explore it!





There were so many great animals all around! They even had groundhogs that went from barn to barn to hang out with the other animals. They told us it's because they get fed that they really hang around!




The alpacas were so cute! But they were a little skittish with people so they stayed back.

We got to feed the sheep popcorn and animal crackers!! How funny is that? They loved them animal crackers. I do too!




This guy couldn't get enough. He wanted to come home with us! I would have let him but Mama said no...





Then we went to see the goats. After a little lesson on how to pet and approach them we were on our own. We were really excited to play with them!



Me and this dude really hit it off. He was my goaty spirit animal!



Then it was off to see the pigs. Boy were they HUGE! They were all coated in mud and all laying under layers of hay to keep cool. We got to see our cousin Gabby. She looked so cute. She told us that pigs don't have sweat glands and that's why they coat themselves in mud to stay cool. They were mostly sleeping but they were fun to see. 




Mama asked if this meant we were going to stop eating bacon since we saw how cute the pigs were...ummm no way!



There's Priscilla...another groundhog!


Then we took a break, had some snacks, listened to some music and relaxed in this gorgeous setting.



Mama even read us all some of our Safari Pug book!



Then we moved on to the lower farm area. The first thing we saw was this beautiful peacock!




Then we came down the hill to see some turkeys...


and ducks (he was soooo soft!)...




And a sheep with a prosthetic leg, a hen and a pigeon that are best friends and live together,



And a wild deer that has joined the family from the woods. She even has a fawn out in the woods. This place is AMAZING! It's like a real life Disney film!








The deer may have been my favorite. I wanted to take her home too. Mama said no. She was so friendly and sweet!









Animals were just roaming freely. And they all got along with one another. It was pretty amazing!





We even got to see some of the eggs that the chickens lay. They don't eat them here at the farm. This is an all vegan farm. But they put them out by the entrance, way far away from the animals, so that their predators will eat them and stay far away from the animals...






They we saw these big dudes hanging out in the shade of the woods to keep cool. They were HUGE




And after all that hanging out with animals we really worked up an appetite...for some Korean BBQ!




No matter how much the Rupert boys love animals, they still love to eat them too! Can't turn these carnivores into herbivores, that's for sure!





No octopus for me, thank you!



Everything was super yummy and really cool to have it cooked right on our table! It was a fun afternoon!




Later we saw these little cuties in our yard. Another baby has come along. These rabbits sure do reproduce quickly and a lot!




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