Tuesday, July 2, 2019

We woke up early today and got to visit with our beach neighbor, Miss Karen's new puppy, Charlie! He's so cute and little and fluffy!! We LOVE him!





Then it was time to hit the beach! It was a gorgeous day! The weather was perfect and the water was amazing! So calm and great to go out swimming and splashing in the waves.



We even got to see some friendly dolphin out in the water. There must have been some good fish to eat out there because we saw them jumping and we even saw the seagulls diving for birds!

It was a perfect beach day! 





Then Mama had to run to the Coffee Beanery to have a meeting while we stayed on the beach. At least she had a nice view of a sunny day outside while she had her meeting!



But then she came back to the beach after the meeting and she brought our boat! It was so much fun going out in the waves in our boat. First Mama took Jax out but he didn't like it. So then Daddy took Kai and I out and we loved it!! It was a great time on the beach today.






Then we went home and jumped in the pool! Boat and all!




Later we went to Fishtales for some playing and dinner. I got a penguin and Kai got a dog. Finn decided against a tattoo today.








It was a beautiful evening. We got to play in the arcade and on the play structure. Then we sat down and I ordered frog's legs!!










Then, as if we hadn't done enough today, we headed to do some miniature golfing! It was so fun...but it was SO crowded!! At 9:30 at night!! Who knew? So we played a few very holes that took a very long time and then we got a rain check to come back another day. It was a great but exhausting first day at the beach!





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