Friday, July 17, 2015

It was a rough night for me and Mama last night. I woke up with a barking cough and a lot of trouble breathing in the middle of the night. Mama was going to take me to the hospital but she and Daddy gave me two nebulizer treatments in a row and that helped me breath a little better so I slept in Mama and Daddy's bed and Mama, well, just didn't sleep and gave me treatments every 2 hours through the night...So, this morning Mama took us all to CVS to get my new inhaler. After we picked it up we headed to the bakery but they were closed for vacation. We were super sad about that but Mama took us to Starbuck's where Kai and Jax each got a chocolate chip cookie the size of Jax's head (they both ate every bite of it), and I got a S'mores tart. That hit the spot!


When we got home we all watched a show while Finn did another treatment. I sure hope he feels better soon. I don't like it when my Finny's sick!




Then Mama had Finn and I do some workbooks and we practiced our writing. Finn had to practice writing his name and coating in his Star Wars work book that MeMa and PopPop bought him. I worked on my reading bingo and summer reading list and one of my work books to write some of my words. Then we had lunch, Mama took Jax to his room to take his nap, then Mama convinced Finn and I to head to her room to watch some shows and relax. Mama and Finn took a little nap and I played some iPad. It was a good, cloudy day to stay in and recharge our batteries. We all hope by tomorrow that Finn is back on track!



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