Wednesday, June 7, 2017

This morning we hit Costco with Mama to get some things for the snack shack for the last Friday night on the field. We got to ride on the flat cart. It was so much fun!



Then we hit the snack shack where we helped Mama unload and stock the shack. We were really good helpers today!


Mama and the boys came to my class this afternoon to help us celebrate our Summer Birthdays! Even though my birthday was last weekend I got to celebrate with everyone instead of having a separate party last week in class. It was really fun to do it that way!


All of the birthday kids got to have a free tag day and wear whatever we wanted. We all got a crown to wear and then our parents brought lots of great party treats!


Mama brought a piñata! Finn and Jax picked a tiki for us and we all loved it!


Peter's mom brought in Minion cupcakes. They were so cute and awesome!!


All of the other parents contributed drinks and plates and napkins and other goodies and Liam's mom got us all pizza for lunch! We sure are lucky kids!






Then the whole class sang the Happy Birthday song to each of the birthday kids. It was very nice and very special! But I was a little embarrassed singing in front of everyone alone!





I even got to have a cupcake! Jax didn't want one, which shocked me and Mama! But he doesn't know what he was missing. That was one tasty (and cute) cupcake!


Then we all headed outside to whack that piñata!






All of the birthday kids got a chance to hit it before it broke. Unfortunately the rest of the kids didn't get a turn but that's okay, they all made out with candy and toys from the piñata so they were happy!


It was a really fun afternoon. I was really glad that my brothers and Mama came to hang with us!


When we arrived to get Kai from school Jax was asleep in the car but I saw some of my buddies from Kindergarten, Stephen, Matthew and Hunter, hanging out on the playground so I got to go run around with them until Kai got out of school. It was fun to see them and play a little!



After actually eating most of my dinner tonight I had some real energy. I did some major dancing! Mama says that I have some good moves!




Then we saw this guy hanging out on our front door!! He was HUGE! And i bet he was excited that night time was coming so he was going to feast on all of the moths and mosquitos and bugs that will likely be on our porch soon!



Then I decided that I needed to have a bubble bath! And then I decided that I needed to say hi to all of my grandparents from the bath! I'm a silly goose! But I even got to see puppy Charlie!

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It was so much fun playing in the bath!


Then we all snuggled up and watched some shows, played some iPad and had some family time before we went to bed!


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