Monday, June 25, 2018

This morning Mama made us crepes for breakfast. They were SO good! We had butter and cinnamon sugar, nutella and banana and raspberry jam. We couldn't get enough. I want Mama to teach me how to make them. She said she would. I'm really excited about that!


Then it was time to head to the playground to meet up with my St. Luke friends! Kai and Finn came along too and it was a gorgeous morning so we all had a great time!






We had fun exploring and doing our own thing. We even had some weapons that we were playing with. It was a fun morning.




Then it was time to go and we were sad to let our Roy go! He's moving to Seattle and this is the last playdate we'll have before they hit the road. Lexy and I gave him a big hug goodbye! We hope we'll be pen pals when he settles in at his new address!




Then Mama took us to get a car wash. We LOVE getting the car washed. It looked like a giant octopus was swallowing our car up!




Then we went to 7-11 for slurpees! Nothing says summer like a spur of the moment Slurpee!


Then, as if this day wasn't full enough, we hit Northwest Branch Pool with our friends the Vallina's! They invited us and it was the perfect afternoon for some swimming! We did some diving and swimming and playing. It was the perfect way to spend the afternoon!






When we got home Daddy had lowered our bike seats and pumped up the tires and we put them in the back of the car and headed to Pinecrest parking lot to do some riding a bike work shopping!



We did some balancing and gliding and getting the hang of feeling how the bikes felt. We made sure we could put our feet on the ground and balance ourselves if we had to. We all did really well but we're not 100% yet. We'll get there soon. We're going to try again this week!



When we got home Finn and I did some of our summer workbooks. Gotta keep our brains fresh for the next school year. Just because it's summer doesn't mean we can't keep learning!


Then we played outside with our friends Cole and Michael J. We ran around a bit and then Daddy moved the car so we could play baseball. It was a beautiful night and we played until it was way dark and we couldn't even see the ball anymore. Then it was time to shut it down. Ahhh Summer time! 



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