Sunday, October 21, 2018

Today Jax woke up with a croup cough and I woke up feeling crummy again. And my ear was clogged up! It was a blustery day and Daddy and Mama decided it was a good idea not to do anything out in the elements. So, we all snuggled up in Daddy and Mama's bed and relaxed. But then we got a little antsy. So Daddy agreed to take us duck pin bowling. And the best part was that my buddy Guyer  got to come with us!



The best part about hanging with Guyer is that no matter how long it's been since we've seen him, we always seem to just pick right back up where we left off!




We had french fries and Sprite and played and had a great time bowling. It was the perfect outing for a bunch of kids that aren't feeling the greatest and a great way to spend our Sunday!




Later we went to Auntie Nay Nay and Uncle Harvey's house for a little bit to watch the Redskins game. I really wanted to swing on the tree swing. Mama let me for a little bit but it sure was getting cold out and Mama doesn't want any of us getting sicker. 





So we decided to hang inside where it was nice and warm. We snuggled up with our family and had some yummy food. It was a great evening and a good way to end this lazy weekend.



And when we got home I took a nice, warm bath and gave myself a mohawk! Mama's hoping that we all feel good tomorrow!



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