Thursday, November 15, 2018

This morning Mama woke up to this forecast...and then the snow and sleet started so we got a 2 hour delay for school. Kai and I toasted donut holes to celebrate!



It was really coming down. It would snow really heavy for a while then it would turn to freezing rain, then back to snow. But it never seemed to be letting up. Finally, they decided to cancel schools all together for the day. Hooray!!! We were so excited that we ran around the house like maniacs!


We did a little chillin in front of the fire...


Then it was time to get out there and test it all out! We got geared  up and started a nerf battle in our yard...




Then we moved over to Joseph's yard for some snow ball and snow man building. It was great. We rolled that giant snow ball all the way down his hill until it hit the car and exploded!! Epic!




Then I headed home to do a little sledding down our back yard hill. It doesn't look very steep but you can get some serious speed on that hill. I just had to avoid all the recent fallen trees!!


Then, wet and cold, we all headed back into the house to warm  up by the fire, watch some shows and eat some lunch. It was turning out to be an awesome snow day!


Even Mama got to relax and read!



Later we did some indoor running around and playing. Then, since we missed it so much, we played school! It was lots of fun!





Then Mama made us a nice, hearty beef stew for dinner. It was just what the doctor ordered on this cold, wet snow day!



Then Nana and Papi stopped by. They heard that we got some incredibly good report cards and they brought us all a reward!! Right into the piggy banks it went. we sure are lucky and we got to see them for a short visit. That was nice too!




And later, this is how Mama found us. Sometimes brothers just want to be close to each other!


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