Friday, April 14, 2017

This morning we got up ready to tackle the day...and each other! We watched some shows, ate some breakfast and then finally got ready to head to the beach!


It was a beautiful day! We couldn't wait to get our toes in the sand and our feet in the water!




We had our very own little pool and sand bar. It was awesome. We played in that sand and water all day long!



That was Grandma, sitting on the sand bar!




We found more supplies for our forts we were making and we even got lucky and found the items we used from the night before! Score!! Then we had some lunch and snacks and played some more!





Kai decided to swim to the snack truck, It was pretty funny! Then we all got to get an ice cream. Hooray!


Then we made a big sand castle labyrinth! It was so cool. Jax also decided to bury his Super Man...we'll never see him again!


Then I took an epic beach nap! Everybody wished they could take such a good nap!



Then everyone checked out all the crabs Kai caught!! He caught 3 beach crabs. They all had different shell homes on their backs and they were all really neat. They were crawling all over the bucket. But Mama said we couldn't bring them home with us or they would die and miss their families. That seemed to work. We let them go back into the Gulf.



Then, after a long day spent on the beach we headed up to Pinchers and the pool. We ate dinner and splashed in the water. It was a great day. We had so much fun!




Daddy did all of the heavy lifting! He earned his beer at the pool tonight for sure!







Then on the way back to the condo Grandma spotted an alligator in the water!! Mama pulled over so we could go take a look. We scared him and he put his head back under water but now we know he's there. We won't be taking any walks over there this week!!



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