Sunday, April 16, 2017

Today is Easter and we woke up and went to find our Easter baskets! Mine was behind the decorative plate, Finn's was out on the lanai and Jax's was in the dryer!! We were so happy that the Easter Bunny came and he brought us all Lego's and candy and chocolate!



Then it was off to church. We were all very well behaved even though we couldn't understand almost anything that the Polish priest said and it was a billion degrees in the church...





After church we went to Skye for brunch. It was deeeelish! I got chocolate chip pancakes and they were so, so good!



Then we went home, got our bathing suits on and headed to the beach to enjoy the sunshine and super warm day!


Mama and I went to the store to get me some snorkel equipment and some nets. After choking on a lot of sea water I finally got the hang of it. And Mama even caught 3 little fish with the net!! It was awesome!







I played some football on the beach with Colby but then we had to head back into the water. It was just too hot out there in the open sand! It was about 90 degrees and that sun was scorching!






Then Jax crashed out hard! We all went up to Pinchers while Mama stayed down at the beach waiting for Jax to wake up. When he finally did they joined us at the pool!




We had some snacks and some drinks and hung out with our family!




We also caught this guy hanging around again. He was just waiting for one of us to leave some food unattended....







We spotted our little alligator friend on the way home. He's just a little guy but we sure as heck don't want to meet him!



When we got home Daddy hid the Easter Eggs for us and we had an Easter Egg hunt! We did it in the party room and Daddy did a great job of hiding them! We had so much fun!





We made out pretty well too!




Then we hit the exercise room to try and work off some of the pounds of candy we've eaten today!





Then we got to put together our Lego sets. Colby helped me do mine. They are awesome!


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