Monday, July 16, 2018

Today we got up and had breakfast and then we decided to make a chill pool day. The weather was perfect and we had so much fun! And all of us were swimming in the deep end together. Which made Mama nervous but we were all doing so well. This summer has really helped us all practice our deep water swimming and we're all really mastering it! One day when we're 27 Mama said she won't be nervous anymore!




We did cannon balls and jumps in the water. We played games and had lunch at the pool. It was a great day!




I even had water in my goggles after one of my jumps like an aquarium. We all thought that was hilarious!                                    





Then I FINALLY, after trying for the last 2 week, caught my very first dragon fly. I actually rescued him from a spider web. I showed him to Mama so that she could take pictures and then I let him go outside to be free!



Then we went to play Alien miniature golf!! We've been eyeing this course and we were so happy to finally play it. We're hoping to play every course in Ocean City and we're well on our way!



It was so cool! Some of the aliens were creepy and scary. Some were so silly. There was a red water fall/volcano thing and lots of fun holes on this course. We had so much fun!




At the end, the woman who works there locked us in the last hole and let Mama take pictures of us in the cage. It was hilarious...and terrifying! Mama loved it!




Then we went home and had some dinner and Mama got our stuff all packed up and ready to head to 27th street for another movie night on the beach!





It was another gorgeous night and we were well prepared this time. We all had chairs and we got nice and close to that no one could sit in front of us with their tall chairs. We each had our own popcorn and sweatshirt to stay warm when the sun went down and the wind picked up.





Tonight's movie was Cars 3 and we were pretty happy about that. The set up was much better this time too and we could hear the movie perfectly. It was a great movie and we had a really nice time. We love taking advantage of the movies on the beach. They are really fun!




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