Saturday, July 10, 2021

 Today we got up and headed straight down to the river to splash around! We're loving the low tide and slow current. It was a perfect morning. 



Even Daddy got in and did some kayaking! And I swam along with him.





Then we came up and dried out in the sun a little bit.



We had some lunch in the kitchen with all our friends!


And saw this little guy. What a pretty moth!


Then it was time for our group tubing trip down the river! The trailer took all the inner tubes down to our drop spot, then we all got in vehicles so they could drop us off!


Over 30 of us went on the tubing trip for this round! All the soon to be 7th graders decided to head down the river together!




Hunter and I decided to tie up to Daddy's tube and Jax tied up to Mama!



Then we were off...down the river we go! It was a gorgeous day!



It was so much fun navigating down the river. Some spots were super deep, others we could walk along! The water was great and it was so much fun!








We even got out and splashed around a bit here and there. That was awesome too!





After tubing we came back and dried off and got clean clothes on and started some evening fun!



We did some badminton, football, corn hole, etc, etc!


Daddy and Mama checked out the yurt that they were gonna switch to but oddly, our pop up camper's beds are bigger and have more space for us to sleep so we decided to stay put. But next time we're requesting a yurt! It sure is pretty!


We played some cards in the kitchen with some friends and had some snacks!







Then it was time for another amazing dinner! Mr. Doherty made pulled pork for everyone and it was delicious! Everyone's bellies were happy!










Once it started getting dark we got to the exciting part of the night! We got to play with some glow sticks and some colorful sparklers!










Then the bigger kids and adults got to shoot off some Roman Candles. They were AWESOME! I'm glad I got to shoot some off!






Then the adults set up the big fireworks way across the field from all of us and started to set them off. They were beautiful and like real fireworks. It was AWESOME!





Everyone had such an awesome time. Nothing but fun, fun, fun!


The big kids played some spoons in the kitchen. Jax and Finn joined us for a bit before going and running around on their own.


And the adults did some playing of their own! Lots of flip cup going on! Mama is a pro!




And Peter and I stayed up playing cards and battleship until 2am!!! It was an awesome night. We had so much fun.


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