Friday, August 25, 2017

This morning was a beautiful day! And then our friends Liam and Emmett and their parents arrived and it made the day even better! We were so excited that our friends came to join us! But they didn't know what they were getting themselves into. We spent the entire day at the beach...



Emmett and I spent the entire day in the ocean...ALL. DAY! Jumping waves, diving into waves, body surfing. We never got out of that water!


Until Mama and Daddy made us come have some lunch and get some sun screen reapplied!



Even Daddy got a few minutes to read his book in peace!





Finn and I did some digging and building with Liam while the big boys were in the water for most of the day.


Then I crashed out. My last beach nap...I don't know who will miss the beach naps more, me or Mama and Daddy! It sure feels good to sleep on the beach! I really don't like that summer is ending.


It sure was a great day on the beach with our pals!






We even caught Mama closing her eyes for a few minutes!


Then Daddy took Jax and I out into the ocean for a little bit at the end of the day. It was chilly but it sure was fun! We loved it!


Later we headed to Ropewalk to show our friends one of our favorite spots. Daddy and Mama didn't think we would be able to hang because we sure were some tired monkeys after all that beach time in the sun today...



We got to see a pretty nice sun set and have some yummy dinner. Then it was time to play on the playground while the adults got us a nice spot by a fire pit!









Daddy even let us all get ice cream! That sure made hanging around the fire pit longer more bearable!




Then we had to get a shot of the moon behind Daddy. It looked like the sun during the eclipse earlier this week! It was so cool!


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