Saturday, June 25, 2016

This morning we got up and Grandma, Granddaddy, Colby, Mama, Daddy, Finn, Jax and I headed over to the Coffee Beanery for some breakfast!


It was a beautiful morning but not quite beach hot yet so we got to take a stop at the park for some play time. We love playing at the beach park!



Then it was time to pack up and head to the beach! The water was still a beautiful color today but those waves sure were rough! My brothers and I decided to splash around in the low surf for a while!





Then Kai just couldn't wait any longer! He made a friend and Daddy and Mama kept watch and told them that they could only go in halfway because of how big the waves were and how strong the undertow was! That Kai sure is a tough dude! He knows how to swim in the ocean and navigate the waves like a champ. I hope I get to be just like him when I get bigger!



Then Mama helped us make a sand castle village! We even dug a mote and a river and lake that met the ocean!




Lots of our family was hanging out on the beach! Aunt Lisa, cousin Andrea, cousin Brian and Laura and Carter and Westin! We had fun playing and hanging out with everyone!





After a long day at the beach we decided we'd head home and jump in the pool for a little while. It was a nice, refreshing dip in the pool. We had tons of fun!




Then it was time to head to Kirby's! I rode my scooter all the way there. Just like Kai!


Then we met up with family and had a great dinner.






I got to ride Finn's scooter the whole way home. I wish this picture came out less blurry so everyone could see how cute I looked in Finn's helmet and riding his scooter!


it was a long day. We got home and got all cleaned up and ready for bed. Then Daddy read us books and had us cracking up! It was another great day at the beach with family!




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