Sunday, August 7, 2016

Today was a great day! It started out nice and warm and not too humid with a slight breeze blowing. Mama, Finn and I decided to walk and scoot to the beach while the others drove all of our beach gear up to our spot. It was lots of fun. And Finn said he loves to walk because he gets to "see mother nature"!!





Daddy took me in the water because I really wanted to go. That didn't last long. This was the first attempt today but surely not the last...



Now Kai on the other hand...he can stay in the ocean all day long! Mama and Daddy reapplied his sun screen 4 times today and he still ended up with rosey cheeks!


After my short time in the water I decided that I wanted to be buried in the sand. Mama, Grandma and Finn helped get me all covered up! You almost couldn't see me!!






Then I decided to go in the water with Daddy and Kai, That water sure was warm and it was so much fun hanging out with Daddy and Kai in the water jumping waves and talking and laughing!!




Then we took a little walk to 7-11 to get slurpee's but they machine was broken...waaaa waaaa! So we got candy instead. Kai and I shared but Jax was fast asleep in his stroller. We'll share with him later...



Then Mama's old roommate Lisa and her husband and two kids stopped by to say hi! Then we all got in the water to swim and have some fun! Mama tried to get Jax in with us for his second attempt of the day but they got wiped out by a wave and both went tumbling under. It's a good thing Mama has a good grip and didn't let go of Jax. Both of them were a little traumatized. Not sure that Mama will be bringing Jax in on her own any time soon. Not that he'd let her at this point...



For dinner it was still my choice since my birthday was yesterday! I chose Blue Fish!! I got miso soup and edamame and we got tons of sushi and seshuan beef and Jax got french fries!! Who ever heard of sushi and french fries? But it was all delish and we tore up that sushi. I even got to take a little cat nap in the booth...






When we got home we noticed the sun setting at the art league so we decided to go check it out. I got to scoot with Kai! I love scooting. I'm a big boy now!!



We checked out the mural the camp kids painted. Then we went to check out the beautiful sky! It looked great. The colors were spectacular.



We even took a family selfie!! It's a good thing Daddy has long arms!







Mama and Daddy even took a selfie! It's been a long time since we've seen a picture of Mama AND Daddy together. They're usually taking the pictures!





Other than the fact that Granddaddy had to go home to work tomorrow it was a pretty perfect day hanging out with friends and family at the beach. Our happy place!


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