Sunday, August 14, 2016

Today was a scorcher of a day outside! Even walking down to the beach was the hottest we've ever felt it on the beach. The sand was so hot, the air was so hot and thick. We just had to stay down by the water. And I was really happy because Joni, Bobby and our cousins Eden, Gabby and Jordan were there. I had some instant swimming buddies! And even Daddy and Finn got in with me right when we got there!






It was so hot in that sun that Daddy had to sit under a makeshift shade! We all kept our feet dipped in the cool water to stay nice and cool. We even took some scope pictures with the scopes guy because we felt so bad for him that he had to trek through that boiling hot sand today!
















The air did finally take a cooler turn and a nice, cool breeze started coming in off the water. But Grandma and Granddaddy and Joni and her family had a party to go to and we had to get ourselves ready to head home so we had to leave the beach around mid day. We were sad to be leaving our favorite's always hard to leave the beach on the last day!




BUT, we did get to hop in the pool when we got back to the house! That water was so warm and comfortable! We had so much fun swimming with more of our cousins and friends! Andrea and Geoff, Meghan and Chad, Kristin and Brooke and Grandma and Granddaddy all joined us in the pool along with our friend Blaze and some of our other beach neighbors. It was an awesome way to end our last day at the sure was bitter sweet!









Then Daddy and Mama got us all packed up and ready to hit the road. We were very sad to be leaving the beach but we sure did have an amazing week with Grandma and Granddaddy and so much family and friends! We definitely made memories this week!


Then we got to stop at Vanderwende Farm Creamery on our way home in Delaware. It was a special treat! Finn got to have a root beer float, Daddy had Banana crunch ice cream and Jax, Mama and I shared a banana split! It was the first time we've had a banana split and boy was it tasty! We loved it and it was a great surprise to stop for ice cream on the way home!






Then we hit a lot of traffic before getting to the Bay Bridge and on the bridge. Then we hit more and more traffic and lots of rain and lightening. It was a long ride home but we all took a little rest and had to to relax before we got home. It was an amazing week. We sure hope we can go back to the beach at least one last time before the summer turns into fall...



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