Monday, April 25, 2016

This morning I was really happy because Daddy came with us to take me to school!


Then we ran around the hallways and me and Daddy had some fun!




Later Mama and I headed to the park on Ellsworth. It was a beautiful day outside. I got to eat lunch outside and run around. I even got to see some cool construction going on! But the big kid part of the park is way too big for me and Mama was getting nervous about me playing on it. I enjoyed the little dude area for a while but then I got a little bored, probably because my brothers weren't with me. I sure do miss them when they're at school...










Then we decided to run by Auntie Nay Nay's house to see if Papi was still building her new deck. And it was my lucky day because he was!!!














I was really happy when Jax and Mama showed up to get me from school. I had a fun day. Then Mama took us for a special surprise!! We got to go to Baskin Robins for a beautiful Spring day ice cream treat. Mama got some daiquiri ice, which she hasn't had since she was little! Then Jax and I got what Mama describes as the most disgusting flavors around, cotton candy and wild n' reckless sherbet which is green apple, blue raspberry and fruit punch flavor...We loved it. As a matter of fact, Jax and I ate every bite including the cone! Even Mama couldn't believe it!












Ice cream must make us really sleepy because as soon as we left Jax and I fell fast asleep. We didn't wake up until Kai was getting in the car from school!


Later everyone came with me and Daddy to my soccer practice. Finn and Jax got to run around and go up and down the hill. They played with Emmet and Daddy and I ran around on the field with my friends.












Later we got home, we had some delicious dinner and then I did my homework before heading up for shower and bed time! It was a great day today!


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